
Hatsune Miku

  • When was hatsune miku knowen

    When was hatsune miku knowen
    Hatsune miku was voted the best vocaloid and well knowen Vocaloid and the first to become a pop idol
  • who is Hatsune Miku and what is her brithdate?

    who is Hatsune Miku and what is her brithdate?
    Hatsune Miku is a singing syntesizer applicatoin with a humanoid personna , developed by Crypton Future Media. Hatsune miku is the most famise one of the Voulcaold. Her most popular song is World is mine. She has many songs. She is 6 years old
  • what is Hatsune mikus first song?

    what is Hatsune mikus first song?
    Her first song was named Nebula. It was made in june 3,2009
  • hatsune miku art

    hatsune miku art
    in 2009 they made a hatsune miku race car.
  • When was her frist consert

    When was her frist consert
    Her first consert was in Hong Kong in the mid summer of 2009.
  • hatsune miku made nyan cat

    hatsune miku made nyan cat
    Hatsune miku made the song nyan cat. She made it in July 25 2010
  • How many song has she made?

    How many song has she made?
    In august 2010 over 22,00 songs original songs has been writen by hatsune miku. There is thousands of songs now.
  • Mikus first consert in the us

    Mikus first consert in the us
    Miku had her frist consert in the usa in july