Hatshepsut's rise to power

By @NN1E
  • 1507 BCE

    Hatshepsut was born

    Hatshepsut was born in Egypt to her parents Thutmose I and Ahmose.
  • 1497 BCE

    Hatshepsut became Gods wife

    Hatshepsut was trained for ten years to become gods wife, this means she would stand next to her father and watch his meetings. Through this she learnt how to rule.
  • 1492 BCE

    Hatshepsut married Thutmose ii

    Hatshepsut married Thutmose ii and helped him by advising him on how to rule using her experience from being Gods wife.
  • 1489 BCE

    Thutmose ii dies

    After just three years if his rein Thutmose ii dies.
  • 1489 BCE

    Hatshepsut has to choose a new pharaoh

    Thutmose ii and Hatshepsut never had any children but Thutmose ii had children with many of his mistresses. Hatshepsut had to choose one of them to rule. To decide she used a statue of Amun by pushing him across the room and seeing which kid he landed near. She new no one would argue with the choice of pharaoh if he was picked by the Gods.
  • 1487 BCE

    Thutmose iii was crowned

    Thutmose iii was crowned and sat on the thrown while Hatshepsut delt with the politics
  • Period: 1487 BCE to 1480 BCE

    Hatshepsut took her time solidifying her power

    Hatshepsut took time gaining power, contemplating every move. She paid a legion of religious, political and military supporters to tell everyone that she was a great regent. She prepared her daughter to take over her position as god's wife of Amun. Throughout her rein she started carving messages into temples showing her doing things a king would normally do. She wore the gown of a queen and the crown of a king on her head. She told people that Amun had chosen her to rule
  • 1480 BCE

    Hatshepsut was crowned as pharaoh

    To publicize her coronation she erected two obelisks which were the tallest in the world at that time. Obelisks in the ancient world were a miracle to build, something only those ordained by the gods could achieve.
  • 1480 BCE

    Hatshepsut sent her men on an expedition to PUNT

    Hatshepsut sent her men on an expedition to PUNT. All previous expeditions to PUNT had only been completed by the greatest of kings
  • 1478 BCE

    Hatshepsut's expedition party returns home

    The expedition party returned after two years, with them shiploads of incense, ebony, exotic materials and myrrh. In the eyes of Egyptians the PUNT expedition would have failed if she wasn’t meant to be king.
  • Period: 1478 BCE to 1463 BCE

    Hatshepsut continues to secure her power

    Hatshepsut continued to open exotic trade networks that had previously been closed. She constructed many buildings. (they were the best quality in the whole century). Thutmose iii became a great warrior and Hatshepsut helped him by sending him to the best generals in Egypt to learn. She changed all the pictures of her, to her with a mans body so she could stay in power.
  • 1463 BCE

    Hatshepsut threw a Sed festival

    To complete her transformation into a manly character she threw a sed festival which is supposed to celebrate a pharaohs 30th year in power. (this was about 15 years into her rein) After this festival she was never represented as a woman again. Though she was still referred to as she or her when she was written about. (this confused historians).
  • 1463 BCE

    Thutmose iii coming to power

    At the time of the sed festival Thutmose iii was about 17 years old. He was of age so Hatshepsut formally announced his coming of power at this festival. Thutmose iii was officially crowned as pharaoh.
  • 1458 BCE

    Hatshepsut dies

    After a 22 year rein Hatshepsut passed away, she was buried as a king. She died in her 40s and the cause of her death is unknown.
  • Period: 1455 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Hatshepsut was forgotten

    Thutmose iii eradicated her picture from all the temples. (it was a very rough job leaving gaping Hatshepsut shaped holes in the walls) He waited until the end of his rein to erase her pictures so he could establish legitimacy for his son. He wanted to prove that the crown went from Thutmose the first to the second to the third then to his son with no interference in the line.
  • 1425 BCE

    The destruction eased

    Once the son of Thutmose iii was on the thrown the destruction of Hatshepsut's memory ceased.