hass 1750-1918

  • Period: to

    before the war

  • captain cook dies

    Captain james cook was an explorer, navigator, and artographer for the british royal navy. He made several pacific explorations and is credited with the first recorded european contact with Australia and Hawaii
  • american declaration of independance signed

    The declaration of independance was adopted by a congress of America which stated that 13 of the American colonies were now independant states and not under british rule.
  • death of bennelong

    Bennelong was an an aboriginal man who lived around the port jackson (sydney cove) area during the time when the first fleet landed there. He was like an ambassador for the aboriginal people. He learned english and joined the british settlement and eventually went to england.
  • myall creek massacre

    At Myall Creek in New South Wales, Australia, about 30 unarmed Aboriginals were murdered by 12 settlers. The settlers captured them at the station they were staying at, tied them up together and took them to a nearby gully where they slaughtered them. They left 1 women alive. Then they proceeded to kill the remainder of the aboriginals who had been staying at that same station. 7 of the settlers who did it were convicted of murder and hung.
  • Eureka Stockade

    The eureka stockade was a stockade built by agitated miners on the gold fields of ballarat. The miners were enraged by the unfair rules and regulations on the gold fields that were imposed by the government so they built a stockade to protect themselves from soldiers and police officers.
  • unveiling of statue of liberty

    The statue of liberty was a gift given from france to america. It is of the roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. It has the date the american declaration of the independance was signed, carved into the tablet she is holding. It is an icon of freedom for the american people.
  • federation of australia

    The federation of australia was when australia becuase recognized as a coutnry of its own by the rest of the world
  • first controlled powered flight

    This was an aircraft designed, built and flown by the famous wright brothers. It was the first powered controlled and piloted aircraft in history
  • titanic crashes

    A newly built british passenger ship, claiming to be unsinkable, and the largest ship that had ever been afloat. It sunk on its maiden voyage when it hit an iceberg, causing the death of 1,502 people.
  • end of world war l

    The war that was supposed to end all wars. It was faught between the allied forces and an alliance between germany and austria-hungary. Gemany and austria-hungary lost. During war the weaponry advanced dramatically. This war also resulted in many deaths, and because germany lost, there was world war 2.