Harry Truman Timeline

  • Harry Truman was Born

    Harry Truman was Born
    Harry Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri.
  • Truman Graduates High School

    Truman Graduates High School
    Harry graduated high school as an excellent academic student.
  • Truman Drops Out of College

    Truman Drops Out of College
    Truman attended the UMKC School of Law. He dropped out due to insufficient funds.
  • Truman begins work in a mail room

    Truman begins work in a mail room
    After dropping out of school, Truman took a job in the Kansas City Star mail room
  • Truman takes a job at the bank

    Truman takes a job at the bank
    Truman accepted a job as a clerk for the National Bank of Commerce in Kansas City.
  • Harry Truman Joins the National Guard

    Harry Truman Joins the National Guard
    Harry joined the National Guard
  • Harry Works the Family Farm

    Harry Works the Family Farm
    Truman quits the bank and moves to help on the family farm.
  • Truman's father dies, he leaves the farm

    Truman's father dies, he leaves the farm
    After the death of his father, Truman left the farm.
  • Truman Reenlisted in the National Guard.

    Truman Reenlisted in the National Guard.
    Due to the impending WWI, Truman reenlisted into the National Guard
  • Truman is Shipped to France to Fight the War.

    Truman is Shipped to France to Fight the War.
    Truman goes to France to help in the war efforts
  • Truman was Elected as a County Court Judge

    Truman was Elected as a County Court Judge
    Truman was asked by another man of rank to run for judgeship in Jackson County
  • Truman is Sworn in as Vice President of the US

    Truman is Sworn in as Vice President of the US
    Truman is sworn in as the vice president of the US.
  • Truman is Sworn in as President of the US

    Truman is Sworn in as President of the US
    After the death of FDR, Truman is sworn is as the 33rd president of the US
  • Truman drops atomic bombs on Japan

    Truman drops atomic bombs on Japan
    In World War II, Truman ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on two cities in Japan
  • Truman Releases his 21-Point Plan

    Truman Releases his 21-Point Plan
    Truman releases his 21-point plan which helps people with social security and employment
  • He signs the Truman Doctrine

    He signs the Truman Doctrine
    Truman signs the Truman Doctrine to support other countries that the Soviet Union effected
  • Truman is Reelected

    Truman is Reelected
    Truman ran and was reelected into presidency
  • Truman fires MacArthur

    Truman fires MacArthur
    Truman relieves MacArthur of his service after he recommends more nukes.
  • Truman refuses reelection

    Truman refuses reelection
    Truman declines the opportunity to run for president.
  • Harry Truman Dies

    Harry Truman Dies
    Harry Truman died after he struggled to stay alive