Australian history

Harry Sander Assignment

  • Willem Jansz lands near Cape York

  • Dirk Harthog lands on the coast of WA

  • Abel Tasman lands in Tasmania

  • Period: to

    William Dampier lands in WA.

    He writes a book about his travels.
  • James Cook lands on the east coast.

    English interrest grows.
  • American war of independence

    no more english convicts can be sent to America
  • Joseph Banks recommends NSW as a good place for a penal colony

  • First fleet arrives.

    Settlement established at Sydney Cove
  • Food supply runs danagerously low

  • Bass and Flinders sail around Tasmania, proving it to be an island

  • Period: to

    Mattthew Flinders circumnavigates and maps Australia

  • Settlement begun in Tasmania

    Short-lived settlement in Victoria
  • Govener William Bligh deposed in the Rum Rebbellion

  • Blaxland,Lawson and Wentworth cross the blue moutains.

  • A road is built across the moutains.

    The town of bathurst is founded
  • Penal settlement begun at moreton bay (Then NSW now Queensland

  • Attempted second settlement in Victoria (abandoned in 1828)

  • Period: to

    Stuart solves the riddle of the inland rivers

  • Henty Brothers settle at portland bay in Victoria.

  • John Batman and John Pascoe Fawkner start settlements at port phillip, Victoria

  • First settlers arrive in South Australia

  • Settlement at Port Phillip is named Melbourne

  • Transportation of convicts to mainland Australia ends.

  • Explorer Leichhardt vanishes in an attempt to cross Australia from east to west.

  • Penal settlement started in WA.

  • Victoria becomes a separate colony -

    gold is found in NSW and Victoria.
  • miners revolt at the eureka stockade ib ballarat

  • Queensland becomes a seperate colony.

  • Burke and Wills die on the homeward journey crossing the Australia from south to north

  • First commercial sugar crops grown in Queensland.

  • Trasportation to Western Astralia ends.

  • Last full blood Tasmanian aborigine, truganini, dies.

  • Ned kelly is hanged.

  • Big gold strike at Kalgoorlie, W.a.

  • Federation - Commenwealth rather than a series of different colonies

  • World war 1 starts Britain's entry immediately involves

  • Anzacs land at Gallipoli.

    In 1918 the war ends.
  • Parliament opened in Canberra

  • Full effects of the great depression are felt

  • Sydney harbour bridge opened.

  • World war 2 starts. britain's entry immediately involves Australia

  • World War 2 ends

  • The Snowy Mountains Scheme begins.

  • Melbourne hosts the Olympic Games.

  • Australia sends soldiers to fight in the Vietnam war.

  • Cyclone Tracy destroys much of Darwin.

  • The Bicentennial of European settlement in Australia is celebrated.