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  • Harry Potter is born

    Harry Potter is born
  • Voldemort kills his parents

    Voldemort kills his parents
  • Period: to

    Primary school

  • 10th Birthday: Hagrid rescues Harry from the Dursleys

    10th Birthday: Hagrid rescues Harry from the Dursleys
  • He meets Ron Weasley, the twins, Percy, Ginny, and Molly on Platform Nine and Three Quarters

    He meets Ron Weasley, the twins, Percy, Ginny, and Molly on Platform Nine and Three Quarters
  • Harry receives his Firebolt as an anonymous Christmas present

    Harry receives his Firebolt as an anonymous Christmas present
  • Voldemort kidnaps Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory

    Voldemort kidnaps Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory