Cedric Diggory Dies
[Link Text] https://onslowcountyschools-my.sharepoint.com/personal/9895234414_student_onslow_k12_nc_us/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=p3kSXA7VBg%2becu3y%2bi8UNpvFlsrFq%2fb4jff%2fulNimj4%3d&docid=02cf0ee8ed7ad435986ddd133c1e1d5ea&rev=1
The text was too long to put into this. Sorry :/ -
Battle of Hogwarts
Voldemort's army attacked the school of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in an attempt to reach Harry Potter and kill him. The school was "harboring" Harry Potter so Voldemort attacked the school. In the end of the battle, Voldemort was killed, at the age of 71. -
Harry and Ginny Get MARRIED!!!!
There is no clear date for when Ginny and Harry got married all that information says is that it was sometimes in the early 2000s. I got the April 23rd part from an image on google.