Harry houdini

Harry Houdini's Life

By ihes58
  • Birth

    Harry was born on March 24, in Budapest, Hungary.
  • Moves

    When he was 13, Erich moved with his father to New York City
  • First Shows

    When he was 9 years old, Ehrich put on his first show.
  • Magic

    In 1891 he started his magic career which at first had little success
  • Marrige

    Harry married Bess Houdini
  • Acts

    Houdini's act caught the attention of Martin Beck, an entertainment manager
  • Travel

    Harry goes to Europe
  • Movies

    With his wealth, Harry started making movies starring him
  • Handcuffs

    A blacksmith in England had taken 5 years to make an escape-proof set of handcuffs. It took Houdini 1 hour to break free.
  • Escapes

    Harry Houdini was locked in a Washington D.C. prison cell, but he escaped easily.
  • Purchases

    Harry purchased his first plane
  • Dangerous Acts

    Dangerous Acts
    Harry preforms his famous Chinese water torture cell
  • Death

    Houdini passed away from a ruptured appendix at 52,