Harriet Tubman

By Briona
  • Minty gets scarred for life

    Minty gets scarred for life
    Minty gets a weight thrown at her head and was almost killed as a child when trying to help a runaway slave. This accident happened when Harriet (Minty) was around the age of twelve and she was a child and with her being born in 1820, the math adds up to 1832. This is the only thing that happened around her childhood, therefore, it goes first.
  • Minty Escape Reward

    Minty Escape Reward
    In 1849 a reward was sent out for Minty and two of her brothers during the first escape of the underground railroad. On the wanted/reward paper, the date of October 3rd of 1849 was on the paper. This comes up next after her childhood scar.
  • An inspirational quote

    An inspirational quote
    During the quote, Tubman talks about her freedom and what she was for sure about. She knew she had liberty and death and if she didn't have one, she had the other. She wanted to be free and have the right to have what she wanted. With that thinking, she was probably around the age of 30 when she finally made up a plan after she was married, to escape the farm. Surely this quote was after she escaped.
  • Harriet standing proud

    Harriet standing proud
    A photograph was captured of Tubman standing next to a couch or chair in her younger days. Maybe this was taken in a house where she lived once she escaped the south. Harriet looks proud and brave in this picture, I would say she looks about the late '30s to early '40s. My thinking behind this is that during the time of slavery, there were no posed pictures of slaves. So she must have been escaped by then. This assumption would take me to around the year 1858.
  • Harriet's Pass

    Harriet's Pass
    With this pass, it states that she has the freedom to move as long as it's ordered from the government. This must have been around the time of the civil war so around 1863 when she first would have started being a nurse and a spy for the union. I chose this date because of the war starting in 1861 and her working for around 3 years would leave it at the year 1863.
  • Nurse Harriet

    Nurse Harriet
    Even though Harriet Tubman never got paid, she worked for the union as a nurse during the Civil War. She helped with the wounded soldiers for three years and spent time with the soldiers in their camps. The war started around 1861 and with her working for three years she would have ended her work around 1864-65.
  • Her Portrait

    Her Portrait
    In 1895 a photograph was taken of Harriet Tubman and it showed the scar from her childhood when she was hit. The scar is visible. The caption states that this picture was taken during 1895. So this would have been after the Civil War.
  • Harriet towards the end

    Harriet towards the end
    In this photograph, you see Minty is getting older and towards the end of her time. It is recorded that she might have died from pneumonia and to me, she looks cold and wrinkly. With these assumptions, I would say this picture could have been taken around 1910 right before she died.
  • Harriet's Death

    Harriet's Death
    With a long life of running, traveling, leading, and helping, Harriet reached her death at the age of 93 (so thought). Harriet was famous and a true hero to many slaves and transformed the lives of young people and the thoughts of others. Her death reached her the year of 1913.
  • Harriet's memorial

    Harriet's memorial
    With so many people learning about Tubman's voyage, it would be smart to have a place where people can learn further into depth about her adventure and the life she lived. Tubman was known to lead people and lead them to freedom. With her death being in 1913, the memorial would have been around 50 years after in honour of her death.
  • Tubman finally getting her pay

    Tubman finally getting her pay
    With learning of the women who did a lot for her people, a middle school from Albany, New York was outraged when finding out she never got back pay. The students wrote to the Senator about the unfairness and later met him. This was convincing enough to send it to Congress and they later wrote a check of $11,750 to the memorial. This happened in 2003 when the check was wrote, this says so in the reading.
  • Harriet's grave

    Harriet's grave
    Harriet died of pneumonia and still gets visited by people in the US in honour of her brave work and dedication. Harriet's death was recorded for being 1913 and this picture looks a present day with how old and all the flowers on it.