Happy Science timeline

  • Founding of Happy Science

    Founding of Happy Science
    Founded by Ryuho Okawa in Japan after he retired from his job working for Toyota.
  • Creation of books for teaching

    Creation of books for teaching
    Ryuho Okawa created the fundamentals of his teachings, wrote them down and published them as books. The Laws of the Sun, The Golden Laws, and The Laws of Eternity are all core parts of his teachings. He also published his own sutra, The Dharma of the Right Mind.
  • Recognized as a religion

    Recognized as a religion
    On March 7th the Japanese government finally recognized Happy science as a true religion due to its vastly growing following and members.
  • Death of Ryuho Okawa

    Death of Ryuho Okawa
    Ryuho Okawa died at 66 years old due to cardiac arrest in his own home.