Or holy symbol

Happy Science Timeline

  • Bakumatsu period sees founding of Tenrikyo, Kurozumikyo, Oomoto

    Happy Science is a new religious and spiritual movement. Their mission is to "bring salvation to all living creatures through a worldwide revelation of the Truth" (https://happy-science.org). Followers of Happy Science put their faith in the god of the Earth, known as 'El Cantare'. It is represented by two things. First, the Amitabha, which is the saviour of love, compassion and faith. Second, the Mahavairocana, the Essence of Buddha. They believe all religions come from one source- El Cantare.
  • Emperor Showa (Hirohito) announces Ningen-sengen (Humanity Declaration), revealing that he is not living god, ending State Shinto.

  • Ryuho Okawa is born in Tokushima, Japan

  • Through Grand Enlightenment, “El Cantare” (the syncretic idol of various religious disciplines) reveals to Ryuho Okawa the religious mission of Kofuku no Kagaku.

  • Shoko Asahara forms Aum Shinrikyo in Japan.

  • Kofuku no Kagaku forms

  • “Nostradamus’ Horrible Revelation” releases in Japanese theaters

  • Sarin Gas Attack in Japan by Shoko Asahara’s guidance

  • “Hermes’ Love is like the Wind” releases in Japanese theaters

  • “The Laws of the Sun” releases in Japanese theaters

  • “The Golden Laws” releases in Japanese theaters

  • “The Laws of Eternity” releases in Japanese theaters

  • Kofuku no Kagaku changes from a romanized name to “Happy Science” in Foreign Countries

  • The Happiness Realization Party is founded with Ryuho Okawa as Prime Minister elect. There are 32 main temples (shojas or shoshinkans) and 200 local branches across the Japanese mainland