Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin Birth

    Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England in 1809.
  • Darwin at Cambridge

    In 1827 Darwin had been accepted to Cambridge but did not officially start his life at Cambridge till 1828. In 1831 he had received a Bachelor of Arts while developing interest in animals, plants, and more.
  • Voyage of the Beagle

    Charles Darwin had received an invitation to join the voyage of the beagle as a naturalist. He initially thought to decline this offer due to his father being against it. His uncle however convinced him this was a great opportunity for Darwin and his father consented to his departure. This voyage was one that sailed around the world. Darwin would be on this voyage for five years. Over those years the beagle spent most of its time surveying the cost of south America.
  • Charles Darwin married

    Charles Darwin had proposed to his love Emma Wedgwood on November 11th 1838. They married at St. Peters Anglican church in Maer.
  • On the origin of species

    Charles Darwin was best known for the theory of evolution by natural selection. This theory was an explanation for speciation and adaptation where each variation of a useful trait is preserved. Focusing on adaptation he goes back approximately two thousand million years to when his theory introduces the first instance of cellular life. All organisms had at one point in time a common ancestor over time diverging. Evolution spans over billions of years as it progresses slowly and gradually.
  • Charles Darwin Death

    Charles Darwin after surviving multiple heart attacks though 1881 Suffered a fatal heart in 1882.