Hans Reichenbach

  • Hans Reichenbach

    September 26, 1891-April 9, 1953
    Born in Hamburg Germany and died in Los Angeles, California. Reichenbach studied civil engineering, but then moved around to study physics, philosophy, and mathematics. He was later on accepted to study under Paul Hensel, a philosopher and Max Noether, a mathematician. Reichenbach died from his second heart attack.
  • Philosophey of Space and Time

    In 1928, Reichenbach wrote a book called Philiosphie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre (Philosophy of Space and Time). Reichenbach starts with a compelling discussion about the interdependence of properties and law. He makes two claims. First claim says that within the structure of complex theories there are identifiable points that are definitions. Second claim says that alternative systems of definitions and laws that account for the same “facts” say the same thing, have the same content.
  • Theory of Probability

    Hans Reichenbach is best known for Warscheinlickheitslehre also called 'Theory of Probability' in 1935. Reichenbach shows that finite frequencies satisfy his four axioms. Axiom one says where it exist and how the probability is unique. Axiom two was meant to ensure the probabilities condition on a nonempty set have values between 0 and 1 inclusive. Axiom three says the probability of exclusive events is the sum of their probabilities. Lastly, axiom four is the chain rule of probability.
  • References

    https://goo.gl/images/YNQ1CW Citations:
    "Reichenbach, Hans." Chambers Biographical Dictionary, Liam Rodger, and Joan Bakewell, Chambers Harrap, 9th edition, 2011. Credo Reference, https://search-credoreference-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/content/entry/chambbd/reichenbach_hans/0. Accessed 22 Mar. 2019. Glymour, Clark and Eberhardt, Frederick, "Hans Reichenbach", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)