DCUSH Timeline

  • Sep 9, 1440

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Guternberg was a German blacksmith. He introduced printing to Europe. He was the first to use movable type prinitng around the year 1493.His inventions led to mass production of pronted books.
  • Sep 9, 1492


    The Reconquista is known as the increasing of the cultural presence in America. The idea of a Christian reconquest of a peninsula started to take shape towards the end of the 15th century. If someone was not of the Catholic faith, they were driven out.
  • Mar 9, 1493

    Encomienda System

    The Encomienda System was a system in which the monarch rewarded leaders of a conquest with Indian villages. The people inside of these villages provided the leaders with labor, in exchange for legal protection for themselves. This later, back fired on the Indians, though. Thi helped colonization by turning it into a frontier.
  • Oct 9, 1493


    Christopher Columbus knew that there was somethogn else out there and the world was not flat. He is known to have contributed greatly to colonization because he found the Americas.
  • Sep 9, 1494

    Treaty of Torsedillas

    The Treaty of Torsedillas divided the world so that any new land west of the line created, belonged to Spain. The treaty was meant to discourage the English, Dutch and the French from going into the new world. This ended up leading to more cpolonies created by different groups of people.
  • Sep 9, 1497

    John and Sebastian Cabbot

    John Cabbot was a Venetian sea captain. He was the first person to ever complete a transatlantic voyage on an English ship. He was trying to find a passage to Asia from the northwest. this helped colonization because it established England's claim to American Territory.
  • Sep 9, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation was the changing og the natiobal church that was in England. Back then, you were not allowed to get a divorce, so King Henry VIII had to leave the Catholic churh. once he left, the church no longer had an allegiance with the King. Queen Elizabeth then took the crown., having nothing to do with the Catholic religion. This led to colonization because it played a role in economic development.
  • Roanoke

    Roanoke was the first colony built on the shores of America. It was however, a failed attempt at a succesful one. The sailors voyaging there, expected it to be full of fruits and the best plce in the world. It was, however the exact opposite. This helped shape colonization for future voyagers trying to do the same thing.
  • Spanish Armada

    The Spanish Armada cut off all communication between England and america. This was a major role in the failing of Roanoke. If this had not happened, colonization could have begun way earlier.
  • Richard Hakluyt

    Richard Hakluyt publicized the events happening in the New World. He interviewed captains and sailors the minute they got back from their voyage. He helped colonization form by putting an emphasis on it, that without it, colonization could have failed.
  • Slave Trade

    The Slave Trade started with the Portuguese ailing to Afric in search for gold and slaves. They traded slaves for local African currencies. The slaves taken were men and women. This increased the population of the colonies in the New World tremendoulsy.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was not the first colony to be attempted in America. It was however, the first succesful colony in America.
  • Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain was the founder of Quebec. The Natives here were not seen as obstacles, but as economic parteners. This, unike the English, helped in colonization by easing the route of civilization instead of complicating it.
  • Plymouth

    Plymouth was discivered by a grouo of people known as Pilgrims. They were mistreated because of their religion in Britain, so they settled in America. The Mayflower Compact belonged to this colony.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    This colony was founded by the owners of the Massachusetts Bay Company. The population of the settlers were mostly Puritans.
  • Maryland

    Maryland was founded by Cecilius Calvert as a refuge for Catholics who were persecuted in England.
  • Rhode Island

    Roger Williams set out on a canoe with about five other people and landed at a spot in which he settled, which is now known to be the city of Providence.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bcon was rebuffed when he tried to obtain a license to engage in the fur trade. He prosed questions into some colonists minds, which led them to join his rebellion, which killed many.
  • English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights was a result of an Act of Parliament of England.
  • First Great Awakening

    Thsi was a movement that led to people becoming more religious and reading the Holy Bible more often.
  • Johnathan Edwards

    Johnathan Edwrads was the first person to ignite the "fire" of the First Great Awakening. He was a local Congregational speaker.
  • George Whitefield

    George Whitefield was a young and inspiring preacher from England who toured the colonies from New Hampshire to Georgia. He symbolized the powerful cultural forces that were transforming the Atlantic world.
  • Seven Years War

    Britain, Native Americans, and the colnies fought against France and their Native Americans. The issue was the struggle among Britain, Spain, and France for worldwide control of colonial markets and raw materials. It ended with the Peace of Paris.
  • Sugar Act

    The Siduties on sugar, coffee, tea, wine, and other imports. It also expanded jurisdiction of vice admirality courts.
  • Stamp Act

    The Brits imposed this tax on the colonists and said that printed documents were to be issued only on special stamped paper purchased from stamp distributors.
  • Quatering Act

    This was another tax that the Britains put on the colonists living in America. This one stated that colonists must supply British troops with housing and other househeld items.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    This was the first intercontinental gathering held since the Albany Congress of 1754. It was an opportunity to discuss common issues and problems.
  • Declaratory Act

    The Parliament declared its sovereignity over the colonies "in all calsses whatsoever".
  • Townshend Revenue Act

    The Biritsih put new duties on glass, lead, paper, paints, and tea. This also made custom creations to tighten in America.
  • Boston Massacre

    One afternoon, a crowd of people began to antagonize a group of British soldiers. The soldiers became confused and killed five of the Americans.
  • Tea Act

    The British Parliament gave the East India Company the right to sell tea directly to Americans, which means that the price on tea was reduced.
  • Boston Tea Party

    During the night, a group of disguised as Indians boarded ships and dumped 320 chests of tea overboard and into the harbors.
  • Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts

    This act closed the ports of Boston; reconstructured the Massachusets government, restricted town meetings, and troops that were in Boston were sent to Canada for trial.
  • First Continental Congress

    A group of 55 elected delegates from 12 different colonies discussed the matters of rebelling against Britain.
  • Battle of Lexington

    A mistaken gunshot was heard and the redcoats assumed that the war ahd begun. They shot and killed eight American soldiers.
  • Battle at Concord

    This battle symbolizes the outbreak of openarmed conflict.
  • Shot Heard Round the World

    The first shot fired in the American Revolution. A battle between colonists and British soldiers.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This event was the gathering of the same 55 delegates to oncea again discuss the rebellion against Britian.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This was a petition that confirmed the American loyalty to Britain, to prevent conflict with the King,
  • Prohibitory Acts

    The British declared intetion to coerce Americans into submission. They also put an embargo on American goods, which eventually led to the seizing of American ships.
  • Parliamentary Supremacy

    This was the idea or belief that the Parliament is supreme. It portrayed the idea that the Parlaiment was more powerful than the king. The colonists viewed Parlaiment to be a bigger threat.
  • Battle of Trenton

  • Valley Forge

    The Americans surrendered at the last second and settled at Valley Forge. While they were staying there, 2500 American soldiers died of disease.
  • The Second Battle of Saratoga

    Burgoyne was forced to surrender 5800 of his men to the American General, Horatio Gates.
  • Common Sense

    This was a book written by Thomas Paine. It became an intsant seller wthin three months of its release. It emphasized on government and how it worked.
  • Kings Mountain

    The backwoods men deciamted British regulars. This was the most vicious battle of the Revolution.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Cornwallis surrendered his entire army of 6,000 men. The task of securing the independence of the US was now foreseeable.