Hana's story

  • Period: to

    The Brady family's job

    The Brady family works in a general store every day except Sunday. Sunday is when they have family time skiing in the winter and picnics in the summer with aunts and uncles.
  • George Brady's birth

    Right now George Brady is born in Czechoslovakia to her Mother Marketa and father Karel Brady.
  • Hana is born

    Right now Hana is born and comes to the world in Nove Mesto Na Morave.
  • Dachau

    The first concentration camp Dachau, is created in Germany.
  • Germany Chancellor

    Germany Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler is the German Chancellor.
  • The Nazis start building the Arian race

    The Nazi rejects against the Jewish race starts.
  • Law-passing

    The anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws spread in Reichstag, in the German Parliament Building. After, The Jewish people lose their citizenship and civil rights in Germany.
  • Another Concentration camp

    The concentration camp Buchenwald begins in Weimar, Germany.
  • Buchenwald

    The concentration camp Buchenwald begins in Weimar, Germany
  • Discussing

    George and Hana snoop on their parents and neighbours listening to the news on their father’s radio. At the end of the news program the adults start a conversation about the Nazis and their behaviour of the Jewish people.
  • Austria

    The anti-Semitic laws spread to Austria. Then Hitler took over Austria.
  • Surrounding

    After the Munich agreement, Hitler’s forces seized the border regions of Czechoslovakia.
  • Mass expelling

    The night of broken glass causes 26,000 Jews sent to concentration camps and all Jewish children are expelled from schools.
  • Poland

    Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939 and the Nazis take over the city Danzig. As a side effect, Britain and France give Hitler a demand. When he ignores them, they declare war on September 3, 1939.
  • Jewfinders

    As the war continues, Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) tag along with the German army into dominated lands and Finding Jews.
  • Their father

    Karel is send away by the Gestapo along with all of the other adult Jewish men in Nove Mesto, Uncle Ludvik and Aunt Heda take George and Hana to live with them.
  • Their mother

    Hana and George’s mother, Marketa Brady, is arrested by the Gestapo and transported to Ravensbrück.
  • Auschwitz

    Huge amounts of kills start done in the concentration camp Auschwitz, using Zyklon-B poison.
  • A grandmother

    George and Hana’s Grandmother, Emma goes to Theresienstadt. She is half-starved and doesn’t have medical care she passes away only three months later from a virus.
  • Period: to

    A new home

    Hana lives in Kinderheim L410, and George in Kinderheim L417 that was a housing school community previously.
  • To the deportation center

    Hana and George receive an order noting them to report to the deportation center in Trebic.
  • Hana's Birthday

    Hana celebrates her 11th birthday on the way to the concentration camp, Theresienstadt (known in Czech as Terezin)
  • Separated

    Hana and George reach to Theresienstadt, where they are divided. George is guided to the boys’ barracks and Hana to the girls’ barracks placed in former schools.
  • There father's death

    George and Hana’s father, Karel, is sent from the Iglau Gestapo prison to Cejl prison in Brno and then eventually to Auschwitz where he is murdered, on July 14, 1942.
  • Hana's art teacher

    The Bauhaus artist, Friedl Dicker-Brandeisova, is send to Theresienstadt were she taught art to many children including Hana Brady.
  • Their mother's death

    George and Hana’s mother, Marketa, is directed from Ravensbruck to Auschwitz and is slayed on October 29th, 1942.
  • Led to Auschwitz

    Over 476,000 Hungarian Jews are led to Auschwitz.
  • Hana alone

    George is sent to Auschwitz planned on the first of ten carryings from Terezin to Auschwitz.
  • The art teacher's death

    Friedl Dicker- Brandeisova passes away in Auschwitz.
  • Hana's death

    Hana is sent to Auschwitz on the second last transport to leave Terezin for Auschwitz. Hana is quickly sent to the gas chamber before long after she came to Auschwitz. She is never got to join up with her brother, George.
  • Hiding war crime

    As the Allies advance, the Nazis try to cover proof of their death camps, by moving people nearer to the center of Germany.
  • Auschwitz and George

    Auschwitz is progressive and George who works in a satellite campsite of Auschwitz gets away during a death march near Germany. He is 17 years old.
  • Germany admit of defeat

    Admiral Doenitz takes charge of Germany after Hitler’s suicide is declared on May 1, 1945. Soon after, Berlin admit of defeat to the Allies and on May 7, 1945 Germany agrees to an absolute forfeit terms in Rheims, France.
  • George Back to Nove Mestro

    After roaming by walking, by train ride, and by hitchhiking through Poland, Russia and Hungary, George makes it back to Nove Mesto, where he is join up with his Uncle Ludvik and Aunt Heda. His Aunt and Uncle are sad to tell him that his mother and father both died in Auschwitz. When he asks about his sister, all they can tell him is that she was sent to Auschwitz.
  • A-bombing on Japan

    The Americans drop the A-bomb on Japan.
  • Hana killed in Auschwitz

    George meets a one of Hana’s friend from Terezin. She tells him that Hana was sent to Auschwitz in October 1944 and was quickly killed the day she arrived.
  • Nuremberg War Crimes Trial

    Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. Here Nazi officers, men and members of the Nazi Party who were guilty among other things for the genocide of the 6 million Jews who died during the Holocaust, 1.6 million of which were children, are put on trial. When sentenced, these men are either executed or caged for their crimes.
  • George Escaping to Austria

    George escapes from Czechoslovakia to Austria where he lives until he settles to Canada.
  • George's Life in Canada

    George moves to Toronto, Canada and in 1954 starts a plumbing business with another Holocaust survivor. He soon weds and has three sons and later a daughter.
  • Fumiko Works at the Tokyo Holocaust Center

    Fumiko begins work at the Tokyo Holocaust Center as a director. The Tokyo Holocaust Center is devoted to teaching children about the Holocaust and teaching them patience and kindness.
  • Fumiko obtains Hana’s suitcase

    Fumiko obtains Hana’s suitcase, along with a child’s sock & shoe, a child’s sweater, and a can of Zyklon-B toxic gas from the Auschwitz Museum.
  • Fumiko gets pictures of Hana’s illustrations

    Fumiko gets pictures of Hana’s illustrations from the museum.
  • Fumiko's Presentation

    With the help of Small Wings, Fumiko opens a presentation called “The Holocaust Seen through Children’s Eyes.” She displays the artifacts she got from the Auschwitz Museum, the photos of Hana’s drawings, and the poems, articles and drawings the Small Wings created.
  • Fumiko discovers George's survival

    Fumiko discovers that George survived the holocaust.
  • Fumiko Asks for Memorial Items from George

    Fumiko sends a letter telling him that she would like any kind of memorial items like a family photo
  • George's Reply

    George sends a letter with photos of his current family and Hana.
  • Fumiko visits Auschwitz Museum

    Fumiko visits Auschwitz Museum. She asks if the Museum could borrow her some items that belonged to children who lived in the concentration camp.
  • George Visits Japan to See His Sister's Suitcase

    George goes to Tokyo to see his sister’s suitcase celebrate the remaining family.