Dec 11, 1000
1000 BC B. C. Egyptian papyrus, early form of paper
Dec 11, 1041
1041 A. D. Printing by means of separate, movable characters in China
Dec 11, 1446
1446 A. D. Johannes Gutenberg introduces moveable type printing press in Germany
1844 First telegraph line set by Samuel Morse
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
American Advertising Federation founded
Pure Food and Drug Act established
Ludlow Massacre promts Rockefeller to hire Ivy Lee
Federal Trade Commision established in part to regulate ad claims
American Association of Advertising Agencies founded
DeWitt Wallace publishes readers Digest
Fisrt commerical radio broadcast
Henry Luce publishes TIme
Harold Ross publishes The New Yorker
Henry Luce published Life Magazine
Federal Food and Cosmetic Act
Reeves and Eisenhower campaign
J Walter Thompson creates "Rosie the Riveter"
TV ads reach 90% of US households
Daisy Television weird commercial
First day of H.A.M.M. Here we go senior year!