

  • The Ghost appears for the first timr

    The Ghost appears for the first timr
    Bernardo, Horatio, and Fransisco were shifting. Theyre about to tell Hamlet about what they really saw at the cold dark midnight. They told Hamlet that they saw a mysterious thing that has been pass through the castle for a couple weeks. Horatio then told Hamlet that it was Hamlet's spirit father. Before Horatio talked to Hamlet about this, he asked the ghost if the ghost has something important to tell to Horatio. -ALAM


    The ghost appears in front of Marcellus, Horatio, Bernardo, and Hamlet. -Uncertainty = don't know if it's really the king or if what they're seeing is even real. they also don't know what it wants
    - Ghost & culture = reveals that ghosts usually are an omen/evil and know where such things as stolen treasure are hidden. they can also be evil taking another form
    -appear at night (dark = evil) and disappear in the morning. (connection to Asian ghosts)
    -introduces theme of revenge Sageda
  • Horatio talks about the battle between King Hamlet and King Fortinbras of Norway

    Horatio talks about the battle between King Hamlet and King Fortinbras of Norway
    After seeing the ghost, Horatio claims it to be the King of Denmark, Hamlet himself, according to the sceptre he was holding and the armor he once wore during the battle with Norway. Terrified, Horatio declares that he was just a sign of warning from a military attack since Norway lost to Denmark. He also says that Denmark captured some lands that once belonged to Norway and now the young prince Fortinbras will be on his way to reclaim it.
    - Junaen Azad
  • Old Hamlet's death

    Old Hamlet's death
    When Hamlet came to see The Ghost, who claims to be hamlet's father,(Act1. Scene5) he tells Hamlet that it was King Claudius who killed him. Hamlet gets shocked by this story. The ghost told the truth in order to make hamlet revenge on King Claudius. But This falls into category of uncertainty because If the ghost was truly the Old Hamlet, He should have comforted Hamlet and speak out the truth in a nice way. However, making his son revenge for his death doesn't make sense.
  • Hamlet thinks about suicide for the first time

    Hamlet thinks about suicide for the first time
    This part starts with "O, that too too solid flesh would melt.."
    Its after the part where Claudius told Hamlet to overcome his grief about his father's death.
    Hamlet at this point cannot accept the reality. His father died few days ago but his mother is going to get married to his uncle. He feels like his mother betrayed him. He sees the whole world corrupted and he is disgusted in his situation. Theme: corruption, disgust, anger, depression
  • Claudius's Logic on King Hamlet's Death

    Claudius's Logic on King Hamlet's Death
    Claudius states that Hamlet should realize that his father lost his father, etc. Claudius’s logic is that every son had to grieve for a certain period and Hamlet isn’t an exception. Claudius wants Hamlet to see and realize that death is inevitable and can’t be escaped. Hamlet is in the midst of grieving for his father, so Claudius wants Hamlet to accept him as the new father. Theme: Persuasion: Claudius wants to persuade Hamlet to accept his father’s death, and move on.
  • Ophelia tells Polonius of everything

    Ophelia tells Polonius of everything
    Ophelia tells her father of how Hamlet has gone crazy and that she is scared of him as well. She tells Polonius of how Hamlet shook her by her shoulders and just left. Hearing what she has told him, Polonius believes that Hamlet's insaness is due to his desperate love for Ophelia. He decides to tell Claudius and Gertrude of his thoughts- Yerin Oh 4th period
  • Polonius gives his son advices before Laertes leaves.

    Polonius gives his son advices before Laertes leaves.
    Before Laertes leaves for France, Polonius gives his son a list of cliche advices about how to behave. -Compare and Contrast: regularity of Laertes’ father-son relationship and family life vs. Hamlet’s unstable family
    -Connection to realworld: parents advise kids before they leave
    -Irony: after giving a whole list of precepts, he says his son to just be yourself Sujeong Shin
  • Hamlet meets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

    Hamlet meets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
    Claudius and Gertrude summon Hamlet's friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The King and queen are worried about Hamlet's inability to get over his father's death. They want Hamlet's friends to cheer Hamlet up or at least investigate what is causing him to be so down. Theme: Uncertainty - The readers are uncertain whether Claudius is worried about Hamlet or if he just wants to keep an eye on him. Also, Hamlet is uncertain whether his friends came to see him or to follow orders.
    By Hannah S.
  • Hamlet's internal struggle

    Hamlet's internal struggle
    Hamlet is all by himself and he is giving a solioquy of "To be or not to be" He struggles himself whether to silelty suffer from his fate or to put up a fight against his miseries. He starts to think about commiting a suicide would free him from his sufferings but he starts to think about afterlife of death and he is afraid of that. Theme- Uncertainty, death ,internal struggles By Jinwoo Park
    Till the end, Hamlet does not find a right answer.
  • Hamlet and others attend play

    Hamlet and others attend play
    Here we find out that Caludius really does feel guilty and cries when the actors act out the murder of the former King. This event also raises Hamlet's need and want for revenge -Cesar
  • Hamlet choice of killing Claudius while he's praying

    Hamlet choice of killing Claudius while he's praying
    Claudius is praying to god for forgiveness and for his action. Hamlet saw the opportunity to strike and kill claudius and take revenge for his father. But in the end he choose not to kill him because he doesn't want claudius to go to heaven. This shows us that hamlet's intention is really bad and most of all worst than the devil himself. Literary elements: Metaphor, Foreshadowing
  • Hamlet verbal-bullies Ophelia

    Hamlet verbal-bullies Ophelia
    Gertrude and Claudius make a chance to let Hamlet and Ophelia meet. Ophelia tries to talk the sweet past that she had with Hamlet. For the purpose of doing this is that it may rouse Hamlet's intellect. However, Hamlet keeps satirizing Ophelia by saying that Ophelia isn't a virgin anymore. Those sentences hurt innocent Ophelia.
    -Hamlet maligns Ophlia "Get thee to a nunnery, go: farewell. Or if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool..." It means the rumors and the slanders will hurt Ophelia.
    Julie Lu

    All but Hamlet have a meeting to discuss how to prove that Hamlet’s madness is due to love. (Uncertainty),(Dramatic Irony). (Submitted by Ms. Boyd)
  • Hamlet and Ophelia (get thee to nunnery)

    Hamlet and Ophelia (get thee to nunnery)
    Before the play, Hamlet tells Ophelia to become a nun so that she wouldn't bear a corrupted child. Theme: Madness, corruption, uncertainty
    -tpessimism of Hamlet "the whole world is corrupt and it is women who bring more corruption to this world by bearing more children"
    - women make men to become more monstrous with their beauty. (Woman is the cause of corruption)
    - Paradox: "I have once loved you" & "I have never loved you indeed"
    -After all those bitterwords, Ophelia still loves him. Min
  • Opelia descent into madness

    Opelia descent into madness
    After Hamlet condemned Opehlia, she's overwhelmed by rejection. Although she played on Polonius' side and acted like his puppet, she loved Hamlet. However, Hamlet's severe criticism and his degrading remarks hurts her. She feels like he tunred his back on her. So far, Hamlet's actions (like coming over to her house at night and doing some inappropriate conducts) implied that he loved her alot. Hamlet's sudden confrontation led to her descent into madness.*Theme- descent into madness. by Rebecca
  • Hamlet confronts Gertrude (Joon Shin per,4)

    Hamlet confronts Gertrude (Joon Shin per,4)
    Hamlet goes to Gertrude's room to talk to her. He tells her to get a grip, and to stop living with Claudius. He tells her the truth behind King Hamlet's murder and makes Gertrude feel guilty and horrible.
    incest (?) - Hamlet's talk with his mom is very sexual.
    rage - Hamlet's rage towards women and his mom makes him flip out in a fit of rage and say horrible things to his mom.
    Literary elements - allusion - Hyperion, Jove, Mars, Cain and Abel Personification, metaphor, imagery - Joon
  • Hamlet's turn testing his uncle

    Hamlet's turn testing his uncle
    before the play started, hamlet told Horatio that he's the only best friend that he had, even Hamlet could choose anyone to be his friend but he chose Horatio instead, because he know that Horatio will always loyal to him. After that, hamlet explained the plan that he had to Horatio and he asked horatio to help him to keep an eye on King Claudius.
    Theme: Revenge, friendship
    Lit Elements-> personification: luck = a lady, hamlet's feeling = a woman. a lot of simile, and hyperbole.
    By hafizh
  • The Day of The Play: Hamlet's determination

    The Day of The Play: Hamlet's determination
    On the day of the performance of "The Murder of Gonzago," Claudius suddenly leaves in the middle of the play, which was
    set up by Hamlet. In Hamlet's point of view, this reaction confirms the murder of his father by Claudius. Theme
    Uncertainty: Readers are not sure whether Claudius left the play because the play predicted that his newphew is going to murder him or reminded him that he really killed Hamlet's father Literary elements: Simile, Metaphor, Foreshadowing Jessica Kim

    The ghost comes to remind Hamlet to leave Gertrude to her conscience and not be too cruel to her. Gertrude thinks Hamlet has gone mad. *Uncertainty-don't know whether Hamlet is hallucinating and imagining the ghost or if the ghost is making it so that Gertrude cannot see him
    *Corruption in the world-Hamlet tells Gertrude not to fill the already-corrupt world with her sins
    *Metaphor-unweeded garden=corrupted world, compost(garbage)=Gertrude's sins, weeds=corruption Julie Kim
  • Hamlet kills Polonius

    Hamlet kills Polonius
    While Gertrude and Hamlet talk in Gertrude's chamber, Polonius is hiding and overhearing their conversation. Hamlet hears a voice which sounds like the king's. Thus, Hamlet stabs Polonius who was behind a curtain because he thought it was the king.
    -the theme of revenge is very evident in this scene because Hamlet wasn't hesitant to kill
    -Polonius's death definitely foreshadows that Claudius will be killed by Hamlet
    -Hamlet thinks Polonius deserved to die and doesn't feel guilty
    Gina Yang
  • Gertrude visiting Claudius after Hamlet killed Polonius

    Gertrude visiting Claudius after Hamlet killed Polonius
    Gertrude quickly visits to Claudius when Hamlet killed Polonius and was crazy.
    Theme: Uncertainty- Is Claudius caring for Hamlet or afraid of Hamlet?, Reputation- Claudius only thinking about his reputation that might get bad because of hamlet.
    Literary element- simile- emphasizing hamlet’s wildness, “like the owner of a foul disease”, personification- show that Claudius don’t have much time “the sun no sooner shall the mountain touches”
    -Seong Rae Roh-
  • the kigns wants to know what has happened to hamlet after he killed polonious

    the kigns wants to know what has happened to hamlet after he killed polonious
    The death of polonious is a big consternation to all. The king wonders where Hamlet has left the body knowing he has gone into madness he asks for help to find out where he left the body so they can make a funeral for him. Now that hamlet has killed polonious the king decides to send him off to England. "go seek him out; speak fair, and bring the body into the chapel. I pray you haste in this." - foreshawing because it could announce how they are willing to make a funeral for Polonius- franny
  • Hamlet insults Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

    Hamlet insults Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
    When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet about the dead body of Polonius, Hamlet refuses to answer directly and insults them as being the sponges of the king. He says they are the sponges 'that soaks up the king’s countenance, his rewards, his authorities.'
    *literary element: metaphor-sponges=Hamlet's two friends=spies of Claudius
    *theme: corruption/deception/betryal-Hamlet's best friends willingly became the king's spies for possible reward, and now Hamlet is criticizing them.
    *Joanne Kim
  • Ophelia completely goes mad

    Ophelia completely goes mad
    Ophelia goes around the kingdom and sings songs all day. Through a song, she describes a woman who lost her virginity because of a man's false promise of marriage. There is an uncertainty whether she is describing herself or not. She also illustrates that men are corrupted and abusive just like how Hamlet described that women are weak and easily corrupted. -Michelle
  • Ophelia's Death

    Ophelia's Death
    While King Claudius and Laertes are conspiring with each other for Hamlet's death, Queen Gertrude interrupts with the news of Ophelia's death. Her madness drove her to commit suicide by drowning. This event adds even more on to Laertes' suffering. It provokes his anger more which he plans to take out of Hamlet. (It shows that suicides were part of their culture back then in Denmark. I can connect it to the suicides that students commit due to stress. It shows the theme of madness) -Sarah 2
  • Hamlet recieves the skull of Yorik

    Hamlet recieves the skull of Yorik
    Hamlet, obtaining thr skull, goes on talking to the skull about his and Yorik's relationship as a child. He would explain how he once rode on Yorik's back and kissed his face. He says to the skull that its once smiling face has now decayed. Its ''chap-fallen''. He says that once dead, a king's skeleton is no better than a beggar's skeleton. All dead bodies end up rotting and decaying. (metaphor)(Sarah Lee4)
  • send hamlet to england(sojoung)

    send hamlet to england(sojoung)
    king claudius wants to kill hamelt to keep the secret.
    finaly he decideds to send hamlet away to england.
    he plans to kill hamlet in england by britisih to cover up this