
  • Birth of Hamilton

    Birth of Hamilton
    Hamilton is born in the West Indies with his parents separated
  • Hamilton begins work and mother later dies

    Hamilton begins work and mother later dies
    Hamilton works as a clerks men and his mother dies year later
  • Hamilton travels to 13 colonies

    Hamilton travels to 13 colonies
    Hamilton travels from the West Indies and enrolls in King's College.
  • Hamilton joins army

    Hamilton joins army
    Hamilton is appointed captain of Provincial Army.
  • Hamilton finds plans of Arnold and marries Elizabeth

    Hamilton finds plans of Arnold and marries Elizabeth
  • Hamilton begins studying law

    Hamilton begins studying law
    Hamilton begins to study law and is elected to the Congenital Congress.
  • Helps form first bank

    Helps form first bank
    Helps found bank of New York.
  • Hamiltons appointed the Secretary of the Treasury

    Hamiltons appointed the Secretary of the Treasury
    Hamilton is appointed the nation's first Secretary of the Treasury and Washington is elected president.
  • Hamilton resigns

    Hamilton resigns
    Hamilton resigns and Jay's treaty is signed and supported by him.
  • Hamilton and Burr get heated

    Hamilton and Burr get heated
    Hamilton supports Jefferson over Burr. Oldest son Phillip is killed in battle
  • Hamiltons death

    Hamiltons death
    Hamilton is killed in dual with Burr as he throws his shot.