
  • Period: to


    Alexander Hamilton lived around 47 years, as his real birth date is unknown. It is only known to be some time in 1757 Info: (http://www.biography.com/people/alexander-hamilton-9326481)
  • His Mother...

    Sometime in 1768, Alexander's mother dies of sickness
  • To America

    In 1773, Alexander's writing at the time impressed buisnessmen so much, that they raised a fund for Alexander to go to America to be educated. Soon, Alexander arrives in New York.
  • The Start

    In 1774, Alexander was more drawn to Politics than academics, and wrote an article defending the Patriots.
  • The Beginning

    In 1775, the Revolutionary War started. Alexander became apart of theNew York Provincial Artillery Company, and fought in the Battles of Long Island, White Plains, and Trenton.
  • Promotion

    Sometime during 1777, Alexander Hamilton was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the Continental Army. He caught the attention of becomes General Washington, and became his assistant and advisor for five years.
  • Satisfied? No.

    Alexander married Elizabeth Schuyler, who was the daughter of General Phillip Schuyler. They had a nice marrige, and had eight children.
  • The Battle Of Yorktown

    After a period of time, Hamilton grew restless, and soon convinced Washington to let him lead a charge in Yorktown. Hamilton was victorious. This led to The Treaty of Paris between the U.S and Great Britian, which allowed the U.S to be free.
  • Leaving

    In 1782, Alexander left his post as advisor.
  • To the Bank

    In 1784, Alexander founded the Bank of New York.
  • Period: to

    Secretary of State

    From 1789 to 1795, Alexander served as the Secretary of Treasury. In 1795, he stepped down from his position.
  • Agreement

    After a lot of fighting between Madison and Alexander, they finally reached an agreement of where the capitol should be.
  • Law and Order

    In 1784, after Alexander had left his post again as advisor to work with the law, he took on the case of Rutgers v. Waddington, which was on the rights of loyalists.
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    It's Over, Isn't It?

    In 1798, Alexander was appointed inspector general and was second in command, to prepare for war with France. But, before the war could start, in 1800, France and the U.S had reached an agreement on peace.
  • The Election...

    In the 1800 presidential election, Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson ran against each other, and Alexander disliked them both. But, he chose what he believed to be the lesser of two evils, and chose Jefferson. Jefferson won the election, and Burr was the vice president. Jefferson left out Burr on many matters, and later removed from the ticket. Burr tried to run for Governor in New York, but lost. Burr was tipped over the edge when Alexander insulted him.
  • The Duel...

    Burr was so infuriated that he challenged Alexander to a duel on the dawn of July 11, 1804. Alexander's bullet missed Burr, but Burr's hit Alexander, which killed him the very next day.