Halide Edip ADIVAR

  • Childhood

    He was born in 1884 in Istanbul, his father was Mehmet Edip Bey, the murderer of the sultan's treasury. His mother is Mrs Bedirfem. His mother died at a young age. The book he translated while learning English was published in 1887 and in 1889 he was awarded the Order of Compassion by Abdülhamid II for this translation.
  • Marriage

    Halide Edib married Salih Zeki Bey, her mathematics teacher in her last year of college, the same year she graduated. Since her husband was the director of the observatory, this life seemed very boring to her. In 1903, her first son Ayetullah was born and 16 months later her second son Hasan Hikmetullah was born.
  • Her work for women

    Her work for women
    During the years of the Balkan War, women started to take a more active role in social life. Halide Edib founded the Association for the Advancement of Women during these years. During this period, she wrote her last novel, the novel of love, inspired by the life of her friend Müfide Kantin, who died at a young age.
  • Republic period

    Republic period
    Some of the intellectuals in favour of the national struggle were in favour of co-operating with the USA against the occupiers. Halide Edib was among the founders of the Wilson Principles Society on 14 January 1919, together with those of this opinion. The society was closed down two months later.
  • Death

    Halide Edib Adıvar died on 9 January 1964 in Istanbul at the age of 80 due to kidney failure. She was buried next to her husband Adnan Adıvar in Merkezefendi cemetery.