Haitian Revolution

  • Africans Revolted Against the French

    Africans Revolted Against the French
    This was a significant time in Haiti's history because it was the beginning of the end of slavery in Haiti and a new time for those who lived there. They would not have to live under poor living conditions and work restlessly without benefits. Africans in Haiti that were rich and successful as well as those who were poor, did not have to live without equality and rights.
  • The slaves tried to force equality and citizenship upon themselves

    The slaves tried to force equality and citizenship upon themselves
    This, along with other reasons, jump-started the Haitian Revolution.
  • Toussain L'Ouverture led the revolutionaries to victory against the British forces that wanted to conquer St. Domingue

    Toussain L'Ouverture led the revolutionaries to victory against the British forces that wanted to conquer St. Domingue
  • Once France abolished slavery in its colonies, Ouverture helped the French defeat the Spanish on the island

    Once France abolished slavery in its colonies, Ouverture helped the French defeat the Spanish on the island
  • Toussaint worked towards St. Domingue's independence

    Toussaint worked towards St. Domingue's independence
    This event was significant because, little did he know, St. Domingue was still under French control. This was a result of who Toussaint worked for as the governor of St. Domingue, which was France. This problem led to France trying to retake the colony again and restore slavery, which resulted in Toussaint's death in a French in prison after months of fighting.
  • Toussaint L'Ouverture abolished slavery in Santo Domingo, in which Spain controlled

    Toussaint L'Ouverture abolished slavery in Santo Domingo, in which Spain controlled
  • Napoleon Nonaparte attempted to restore slavery in St. Domingue but failed

    Napoleon Nonaparte attempted to restore slavery in St. Domingue but failed
  • Alongside the British, General Dessalines revolted against the French

    Alongside the British, General Dessalines revolted against the French
    This is a significant event to the revolution because it led to the Africans' freedom from the French. With the aid of the British and Spanish, the former slaves drove the French, who fought wars on several fronts, from St. Domingue. This was the last war that the Africans in St. Domingue had to fight to reach their ultimate goals: freedom, human rights, and equality.
  • General Dessaline assumed power and became Emperor Jacques I

    General Dessaline assumed power and became Emperor Jacques I
  • Haiti becomes an independent nation

    Haiti becomes an independent nation
    This date, January 1st, 1804, signifies the day that General Dessalines officially declared St. Dominque's independence, similarly to the United States' Independence Day on July 4th, and changed its name to Haiti.