Haitian Revolution

  • The French Arrive in Haiti

  • Revolt is Planned in Morne-Rouge

    200 people met in Morne-Rouge to plan a revolt, including many people who would become famous military leaders during the Revolution.
  • Revolt Begins

  • Period: to

    4,000 White People were Killed, and 180 Sugar Plantations were Destroyed

  • Former Enslaved People Control 1/3 of Haiti

  • Period: to

    Skirmishes and Battles Continue

    Even after France stops fighting hard against Haiti, there were skirmishes within Haiti among leaders
  • The National Assembly Frees Men of Color

  • General Toussaint Louverture is Arrested by France

  • Haiti Wins War Against France

  • The French Leave Haiti

  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines Declares Independence