Haitian Revolution

By Wormy8
  • Period: to

    France rules Haiti

    The French control Haiti (Saint Domigue)
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    France was fighting the French revolution
  • VIncent Oge Tries to get mixed race equal rights

    Vincent Oge tries to get the govenor of haiti to have equal rights for people of mixed race but is ignored
  • Vincent oge is ignored by govenor of haiti

    The govenor of haiti ignores oge again
  • Vincent Oge starts revolt that fails

    Vincent Oge starts a revolt to give people whoe are mixed race the right to vote.
  • Vincent Oge is captured and exucuted

  • Slave Rebellion Begins

    The Slaves Revolt Against there captors
  • France sends Sonthanox with 6-7000 troops

    France send Sonthanox and 6-7,000 troops to stop the slave rebellion in haiti
  • Legisaltive Assembly grants free people of color a full citzen

  • Becomes at war with Great Britian

  • Sonthanox delares freedom for all slaves

  • Toussant L'Ouverture joins w/ french

  • Leclerc and 40,000 men are sent from france

  • Toussant L'Overture gets arrested and dies in france

  • Promclamation of independence signed

  • Last french troops leave haiti