First Revolt
led by the whites and the mulattos -
Night of Fire
Well organized slave revolt -
National assembly declares full freedom rights for mulattos
National assembly declares -
Cominsionner Sonthanox grants freedom to slaves in the north Province who fought for the French Republic, then orders general aboliton
National Assembly sanctioned Sonthonax' aboliton law and extended freddom to slaves in all its colonies in the Emancipation Decree of 1794
Toussaint L'Ouverture leaves alliances with British and Spanish to help drive France out the island
Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power
Napoleon dispatches General Leclerc to subdue Haiti
Re-establishment of slavery, Bonaparte named Consul for life
Death of LeClerc
General Dessalines proclaims independence of Haiti
Signature of treaty of purchase; Lousiana Purchase
Implementation of Civil Code, declaration of empire
Removal of the Braganza royal family to Brazil