Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Discovers Haiti
Christopher Columbus lands and names the island Hispaniola, or Little Spain. -
Haiti is Created
Spain cedes western part of Hispaniola to France, and this becomes Haiti, or Land of Mountains. -
Haiti is Conquered
A former black slave who became a guerrilla leader, Toussaint Louverture, conquers Haiti, abolishing slavery and proclaiming himself governor-general of an autonomous government over all Hispaniola. -
Dessalines declared the nation independent and renamed it Haiti. France became the first nation to recognize its independence. Jean-Jacques declares himself emperor. -
The US Becomes Involved
US invades Haiti following black-mulatto friction, which it thought endangered its property and investments in the country. -
Civilian Government
Leslie Manigat becomes president, but is ousted in a coup led by Brigadier-General Prosper Avril, who installs a civilian government under military control. -
Peaceful Election
Jean-Bertrand Aristide elected president in Haiti's first free and peaceful polls. His term lasted till he was overthrown in 2004. -
Interim Government
Celebrations marking 200 years of independence turn into uprising against President Aristide, who is forced into exile. An interim government takes over. -
Storms Destroy the Economy
Tropical Storm Fay, Hurricane Gustav, Tropical Storm Hanna and Hurricane Ike strike within a month, leaving nearly 800 people dead and wiping out a quarter of the economy. -
Help to Remove the Debt
World Bank and International Monetary Fund cancel $1.2bn of Haiti's debt - 80% of the total - after judging it to have fulfilled economic reform and poverty reduction conditions.