
  • Sep 11, 1445

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg
    Used metal
    Made a Bible from invention
    Created oil for invention to work
  • Invention of Telephone

    Invention of Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell
    Family lines called “party lines”
    People didn’t have to write letters
  • Invention of Radio

    Invention of Radio
    Guglielmo Marconi
    Created Morse Code signals
    Spark-Gap transmitters
  • Invention of Kinetoscope

    Invention of Kinetoscope
    Thomas Edison
    August 31, 1897
    Had help from assistant
    William Kennedy Laurie Dickson
    Made in France
  • Invention of Television

    Invention of Television
    Philo Farnsworth
    The transmission of image was by using a dissector tube
    Thought of this idea when 14 years old
  • Invention of Cell Phone

    Invention of Cell Phone
    Martin Cooper
    Phone was size of brick
    First Call to New York
  • Invention of Personal Computer

    Invention of Personal Computer
    Ed Roberts
    April of 1974
    Small kit for rockets
    8080 processer
    Powerful computer
  • Invention of World Wide web

    Invention of World Wide web
    Tim Burners Lee
    Worked at CERN
    1 Trillion web pages
    Software Engineer
    Original invention of the world wide web server still at CERN