
  • Mar 22, 700

    definition of propaganda

    propaganda is a group or one person, swho is trying to convience someone to believe that their beliefs are right.
  • Mar 22, 1450

    printing press

    The printing press help propagandist get the word out by pictures and words.
  • Mar 22, 1460

    the radio

    the radio brought a wider spread of news in a fast and easier way. this brought new life to propaganda.
  • Mar 22, 1470


    television was the next big thing. television was like a the radio and a printing press put together.
  • the killing of archuta frune

    he show the he not afacde to kill
  • the 2nd battle of ypres

    the germans use calrine gas frist then attkane
  • the nazi party

    the nazi party running for public office in Germeny, used propaganda to show all the good thing about them and nothing of the bad.
  • the eternal jew

    in 1932 the nazi's used der ewige jude ( the eternal jew) to as negative propaganda. This was hinting and trying to tell people that the jews were not normal people.
  • children's books

    the Nazis create children's books for greman boys and girls to help and teachthem how to spot a jew and why they are bad.
  • children's games

    nazis took propagand and made it into a game for kids. the purpose of the games where to teach about how jew are bad and how to tell who is a jew and who is not.
  • victor klemperer

    Victor Klemperer published a book about hiltler and propaganda and how that was one of his tools, to get the word out about the jews.
  • nazi made a art exhibit

    nazis made a art exhibit to show how bad jew are and can be. they thought it was a good idea to spread the word and it was also a free exhibit.
  • 10 commandments of propaganda

    1. Divide and conquer
    2. Tell the people what they want.
    3. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
    4. Always appeal to the lowest common denominator.
    5. Generalize as much as possible.
    6. Use "expert" testimonial.
    7. Always refer to the "authority" of your sources.
    8. Stack the cards with "information."
    9. A confused people are easily led.
    10. Get the "plain folks" onto the "bandwagon."
  • run for house

    the poeple use propaganda to run for house
  • today

    today mostly everone did it in the life
  • the rome and the greek

    they start it all
  • knight

    they threw the dead people head over the wall that were their enemies. they did this to scare them.