H.G. Wells biography.

  • Birth

    Herbert George Wells was born in Bromley England
  • 1st wedding

    He married his cousin Isabel Mary Wells. However, their relation didnt last well
  • Time machine

    He became a sensation with the publishment of his literature piece "The Time Machine". It explored social and scientific topic.
  • 2nd marriage

    After his official divorce with Isabel, he took up and got married with Amy Catherine "Jane" Robbins. Later on they relation they concieved two childrens, George Philip and Frank.
  • The Island of Doctor Moreau

    He kept going writting his "scientific romances". He published "The Island of Doctor Moreau". It tells the story of a scientist conducting experiments on animals, creating new species
  • The Invisible Man

    H. G. Wells writes the "The Invisible Man", a story about a scientific who goes trough a dark and hard transformation when he turns himself invisible.
  • The War of the Worlds

    Another of its books is "The War of the Worlds", a story about an alien invasion., that later would create chaos in the mind of the people.
  • The guru of the future

    He published one of his most remarkable and outstanding texts. "Anticipations" is a non-fiction book about predictions in his mind of the future world, most of those predictions turned to become real in aspects such as: citis, suburbs, economic globalization and military conflicts.
  • The result of a loving affair

    As consequences of his numerous love affairs, the birth of Anna-Jane with Amber Reeves in 1909
  • A 2nd birth from love affairs

    Wells later developed feelings for feminist writer Rebecca West, and they had a son, Anthony, together. Jane died of cancer in 1927.
  • Halloween Horror from "The War of the Worlds"

    Orson Wells goes on live with his adaptation from "The War of the Worlds", claiming that aliens have landed in New Jerser. The people believed in it and falled in panic and chaos.
  • He died

    He died