Guzman - Reading History

  • Second Grade Teacher

    Second Grade Teacher
    My 2nd-grade teacher, Ms. Pelander, would always give me books to read that she thought I would like. Making her happy by reading them was the first step I took to my love of reading.
  • "The Giving Tree"

    "The Giving Tree"
    "The Giving Tree" is the book that created my love for reading. This was given to me by Ms. Pelander in 2nd grade. Not only did it nurture my love for reading, but it also created my love for nature and animals.
  • G.A.T.E Class

    G.A.T.E Class
    In 3rd grade, I was put into a G.A.T.E. class, which is a higher education class for select students. There we were taught excerlated science, math, English, history, and chess. It was there I learned about Jane Austen, an accomplished author.
  • "Love and Gelato"

    "Love and Gelato"
    In 6th grade, I was introduced to "Love and Gelato," a book by Jenna Evans Welch. To this day, that book is my favorite and I have read it over 35 times. I do not understand why I like it so, but it has shaped my personality and thrown me into a rabbit hole of reading.
  • My First Book Essay

    My First Book Essay
    In 6th grade, I was introduced to book essays. We were given a variety to choose from, and I chose "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." By then I had already loved to read, but this created my love of writing essays.
  • Edgar Allen Poe

    Edgar Allen Poe
    In 8th grade English, we focused solely on Edgar Allen Poe and all his works. Before then I had never read poetry, but I grew to appreciate it, and eventually love it.
  • Little Women

    Little Women
    In the summer of 2018, I read "Little Women," another classic book. It was then that I solidified my love of reading, and read the book 4 times over the course of 3 months.
  • Greek Mythology

    Greek Mythology
    Since I was very young, I have always loved Greek Mythology and its stories. Growing up I read books upon books about Greek Mythology. In 10th Grade, I came across a historical Greek Mythology book and became so enthralled I wrote essays for fun on the subject.
  • Pride and Prejudice

    Pride and Prejudice
    Pride and Prejudice is a book that has had a large effect on me. How I perceive life, love, happiness, and the hardships of women.
  • Growing my library

    Growing my library
    Right now, I have a personal library with over 200 books. It has been my goal to buy more and read more. I have a goal to read 30 books before the year is over, I have read 14.