Guy Fawkes or Bonfire night celebrations

  • 1570


    Guy Fawkes was born in 1570 in Stonegate, York.
  • 1579

    His father dies

    His father died this year and his mother married a catholic man some time later.
  • 1582

    Catholic influence

    Catholic influence
    Studies at St. Peter's School in York for some time.
  • Period: to

    Fights in the Eigthy Year War

    He fights in the Eighty Years War for Catholic Spain against the new Dutch Republic in the Continent (Europe)
  • Looking for allies in Spain

    Looking for allies in Spain
    He travelles to Spain to seek support for a Catholic rebellion in England.
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Gunpowder Plot
    Fawkes becomes involved with a small group of English Catholics, who planned to assassinate the Protestant King James I.
  • The plan is ready

    The plan is ready
    Everything is ready to blow the Houses of Parliament
  • Caught red-handed

    Caught red-handed
    King's men discover everything and catch Guy Fawkes red-handed
  • How the celebration started

    How the celebration started
    Londoners are encouraged to celebrate the King's escape from assassination by lighting bonfires.
  • His death

    His death
    Guy Fawkes is executed
  • Period: to

    The celebrations so far

    In Britain, 5 November has variously been called Guy Fawkes Night, Guy Fawkes Day, Plot Night, and Bonfire Night (which can be traced directly back to the original celebration of 5 November 1605). Bonfires were accompanied by fireworks from the 1650s onwards, and it became the custom after 1673 to burn an effigy of notable figures although most modern ones are of Fawkes. The "guy" is normally created by children from old clothes, newspapers, and a mask.