Apr 13, 1570
Guy Fawkes' birth
Guy Fawkes was born and educated in York. -
Period: Apr 13, 1570 to
Guy Fawkes' life
A historical figure who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. -
Period: Apr 13, 1570 to
Guy Fawkes' life
A historical figure who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes -
Guy Fawkes' attempt to assassinate king James I by exploding the Houses of Parliaments.
Guy and his friends made a decision to kill King James I. They wanted to do this because the king hated Catholics and made laws against them. Guy rented a house which was next to the Houses of Parliament. Guy and his friends put gunpowder in the cellar of the Parliament. Before the king arrived, soldiers discovered Guy and arrested him. -
Guy Fawkes' execution
He was questioned and tortured, and eventually he confessed. Immediately before his execution on 31 January Fawkes fell from the scaffold where he was to be hanged and broke his neck thus avoiding the agony of the mutilation that followed.