
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Johannes Guttenburg's Birth

    Johannes Guttenburg's Birth
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Invention date of printing press

  • Jan 1, 1440

    Gutenberg Uses a Printing Press

    Gutenberg Uses a Printing Press
  • Jan 1, 1446

    Gutenberg Prints the Poem of the Last Judgement

    Gutenberg Prints the Poem of the Last Judgement
  • Jan 1, 1446

    Start of Gutenberg Revoloution

    Start of Gutenberg Revoloution
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Gutenberg prints the Gutenberg

  • Jan 1, 1454

    Date the bible was made

  • Feb 3, 1468

    Death of Gutenberg

  • Gutenberg's Statue was made

  • Gutenberg was recognized