
  • Period: to


  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    i was born at saint judes hospital
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother was born
    my brother was born at saint judes hospital
  • my first christmas

    my first christmas
    i got so many toys
  • my first time traveling to mexico

    my first time traveling to mexico
    it was such a good expeince since ALL of my family lives there since my mom is an only child and my dad is the oldest of eleven
  • my first day of kindergarden

    my first day of kindergarden
    my first day of school at oakland elementry on the 20th of august 2005
  • I went to my first soccer game

    I went to my first soccer game
    i was so disapointed that rapids lost to realsalt lake (1-0)
  • my first day in middle shcool

    my first day in middle shcool
    iwas so excited to this school ounce i saw it i knew this was the school for me.
  • my first school trip longer than two days

    my first school trip longer than two days
    my first time getting out ofmmy comfert zone were i was sharing a room wtih four other guys
  • my niece was born

    my niece was born
    i was so excited that my first niece was born well and is here with use today
  • my thirteenth birthday

    my thirteenth  birthday
    it was the best birthday becuase all of my friends came over , i got a lot of gifts, and i had some awsome food my mom made