Gun control

Gun Control Laws

  • Second Amendment

    Second Amendment
    The second amendment to the U.S constitution, protected the right to bear arms of members of the militia.
  • National Firearms Act

    National Firearms Act
    In 1934, the NFA was enacted to impose taxes on making, trading, selling, and purchasing of firearms. In addition to taxing under the NFA, the act forced individuals to register their firearms.
  • Firearm Owners Protection Act

    Firearm Owners Protection Act
    In 1986, there was an amendment to the NFA, banning all firearm sales and possessions.
  • Brady Background Checks

    Brady Background Checks
    Brady Background Checks were implemented as a way of making purchasing a firearm more difficult, in addition to creating a 5-day waiting time between background checks and actual purchasing
  • Supreme Court Hearing

    Supreme Court Hearing
    In the court case McDonald v. Chicago, the supreme court ruled that the second amendment applies to all individuals, not just members of the militia.
  • Red Flag Laws

    Red Flag Laws
    In 2018, 5 states in the U.S implemented red flag laws allowing police officers to seize firearms from individuals deemed dangerous.