The Balkans

  • war in Croatia

    Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia declared independence. The Yugoslav army then focused on Croatia, where a large number of Serbs lived.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    the first air attack occurred on this date.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    ground operations began and Iraq accepted all of the UN's regulations to help.
  • Gulf War

    UNIKOM was set up, there task was to monitor and protect a demilitarize zone along the Iraq-Kuwait border. It had the power to use force if necessary to ensure Iraq’s compliance with its mission.
  • The Balkans

    the UN created the UNPROFOR, they aim was to, support the humanitarian work of other UN agencies, monitor the ceasefire and the withdrawal of Yugoslav forces from Croatia and protect civilians and human rights.
  • The Balkans

    The UNPROFOR became more involved in protecting civilians, the demilitarisation was ineffective because in the places the Yugoslav army withdrew from, it left weapons behind for the Croatian Serbs to use.
  • Bosnia

    the UN sent a peacekeeping protection force to protect Sarajevo airport and convoys of food and medicine being flown in, protect convoys of civilians being transported across Bosnia by the International Red Cross
  • Kosovo

    Kosovo was a province of Yugoslavia. UNMIK’s mandate was
    unprecedented because it was much more than peacekeeping. The Security Council had given UNMIK enormous, wide-ranging powers over the land, people, government and laws.