Yellowstone Act
Yellowstone becomes the first national park. This brought a public park where people could enjoy the nature and brought more job opportunities. This also begins the idea of preserving resources in national parks, which is still a practice today. -
The Lacey Act
The Lacey Act prohibited transporting illegally obtained wildlife across state lines and hunting in Yellowstone. This law reflects a biocentric view, because the well-being of the animals is being taken into consideration as well. This event foreshadows Aldo Leopold's book, The Land Ethic, which talks about the importance of not disturbing the wildlife in national parks. He learned that doing that can be detrimental to an ecosystem. -
Roosevelt's suggestion to preserve bison
Bison had nearly become extinct in the 19th century. This growing concern reached Theodore Roosevelt and he suggested to preserve the bison so they would not become extinct. This is another example of a biocentric view because the bison's are being taken into consideration. Bisons made a substantial recovery, and were introduced to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in 1956. -
Burton Act
The Burton Act preserved the Niagara Falls from hydroelectric power facilities. This is important today because the Niagara Falls are a huge tourist attraction today. Through this act, the Niagara Falls were protected and preserved for us, the future generations. -
National Park Service
Congress established the National Park Service. This agency manages all of the National Parks in the United States. They are concerned with preserving land for future generations so this is important for us today. -
New York v. New Jersey and Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners
New York sued New Jersy for dumping sewage in the New York Harbor, however, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of New Jersey and they kept dumping their sewage. This shows the conflict between states, such as the recent water conflict between Florida and Georiga. This also shows how people are dissatisfied with the dirty living conditions. -
First large-scale survey of air pollution in Salt lake City
Salt Lake City conducted the first large scale air pollution survey. This event marks the beginning of concern of air pollution of large urban areas. This large-scale survey shows the growing problem of air pollution that large cities still struggle with today. From that survey, we have learned how to progress and different methods of dealing with air pollution. -
Emergency Conservation Work Act
The Great Depression after the stock market crash greatly affected the nation in multiple ways. One plan of FDR was to take unemployed workers into the Civilian Conservation Corps. They were known as Roosevelt's tree army, and their job was to protect against the erostion of natural resources. Even in a terrible economic state, the enviornment is of concern for the nation. This plan helped increase jobs and preserve resources during the Great Depression. -
L.A. schools close due to heavy smog conditions
Heavy smog around L.A. caused schools and industrices to close. Citizens became frustrated with the lack of progress. Even with the attempts to fix air pollution, the smog remained. This event shows a time when citizens became enraged with a smog issue -
Publication of Silent Spring
Carson highlights how life would be without birds during the spring. After the publication of the book, pesticides like DDT became outlawed. This novel forced people to think about their actions and how much they are potentially affecting the environment around them. -
Congress passed the first Clean Air Act
The first Clean Air Act regulated air pollution and emissions. It was the first federal legislation pertaining to air pollution. This law has had major amendments to it, but is very important being it is still in effect today. -
NASA released the “Blue Marble” photo of earth from space
The release of this photo gives the people a visual of our earth. The earlth is so large, yet when put into a visual, becomes more real for people. The photo raises awareness for environmental issues. People want to keep Earth clean. -
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
This was one of the first laws that esablished a national framework for environmental protection. This law shows how environmantal protections becomes a priority in the government's agenda. All branches of the government are required to consider all the proper considerations before building anything. -
The First Earth Day
20 million people celebrated the first Earth Day around the United States. We still celebrate Earth Day today, so this is a continuing holiday. This is important because having a day dedicated to the Earth will shine light on issues and how people can treat the world better. Although it is important to think about the Earth all the time, having a day to truly reflect helps as well. -
EPA is established
The government agency, the Enviornmental Protection Agency is established to “create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony.” This establishment reflects the importance environmental issues are reaching in the political world. -
Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act was passed by Congress to protect species from possible extinction. This is important because it shows the biocentric concern of the governemnt. They realize that extinction os any species could be detrimental to ecosystems. -
Safe Drinking Water Act
This act protected Americans from drinking unsanitary water. This is very good for the people, because the EPA is regulating public drinking water to make sure it is safe for the people to drink. This will reduce possible diseases from happening and takes away polluted water from our drinking water. -
CERCLA (Superfunds)
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act gave the EPA the right to prosecute polluters, and was established to provide funds to cleaning waste sites. This is important because now polluters will have a consequence, and people will be more cautious about polluting. -
Montreal Protocol
In the Montreal Protocol was an international treaty where nations aggreed to reduce ozone-depleting chemicals. This is a mjaor example of international cooperation involving environmental issues, and shows how these issues should not be divded by nations, but worked together as a whole. -
NASA warns Congress about Global Warming
NASA's James Hansen warned Congress of the dangers of global warming. This is important because the issue of global warming has reached Congress, and they must now try to do something about it if they believe it exists. -
Julia Butterfly Hill living on top of Redwood Tree
Julia Butterfly Hill is an environmentalist who decided to live on a California Redwood tree for over 700 days to prevent it from being cut down. This event displays the passion some people have for nature and its beauty. Hill was successful and the tree was not cut down. -
Kyoto Protocol
In the Kyoto Protocl, nations pledged to reduce fossil fuel emmisions that were causing climate change. This affects our world today because with multiple countires around the world agreeing to try to reduce the fossil fuels causing climate change, there is positive impact for us today. -
Death of David Chain
David Chain was an enviornmentalist who protested against the cutting down of the California Redwood Forest. During the protest, a tree fell on him and he was killed. The lumber company claimed they did not see anybody protesting while they were cutting down the trees. The lumber company suffered consequences and was charged with 250 violations of the California Forest Practice Act. This event may have scared people from participating in future protests. -
New Air Quality Standards
The EPA issued New Air Quality Standards. This is an attempt to reduce the small or fine particule matter used in everyday life. As these accumulate, they can greatly increase air pollution. The EPA is regulating this in order for all of us to have clean air to breathe. -
Live Earth Concerts
Live Earth concerts were held around the world with artists such as Madonna, the Blacked Eyed Peas, the Red Hto Chilli Peppers, Metallica, and the Beastie Boys. These concerts raised awareness about climate change. This is important because media have a major affect on people and their views today. To see celebrities who are well respected concerned with climate change can make a large impact among the youth.