Rockefeller Incorporates Standard Oil
Rockefeller has been active in the oil business since 1863. -
Carnegie Imitates Bessemer Steel
Andrew Carnegie returns to America intent on expanding his steel business. -
Railroad Strike of 1877
Brakemen and firemen from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad walk off the job at Camden Junction, Maryland, initiating a wildcat strike that will shut down thousands of miles of track throughout the northeastern United States. -
Railroads Create Standard Time Zones
America's railroads implement the standardized time zones -
American Federation of Labor Founded
The American Federation of Labor, an alliance of independent craft unions, is founded. Samuel Gompers is selected to serve as its first president. -
Homestead Steel Strike
Shuts down the factory and locks out its employees when negotiations with representatives from the Amalgamated Association of Steel and Iron Workers break down. -
Battle at Homestead Steel
Two barges filled with armed Pinkerton Detectives attempt to land at Homestead to guard Carnegie's steel plant -
Pullman Strike
They go on strike when the company's owner, George Pullman, refuses to reduce rents in the company housing to match announced wage cuts. -
Debs Arrested
With American Railway Union president Eugene Debs arrested for violating the court order, and thousands of troops protecting railroads from striker interference, the Pullman strike ends in defeat for the workers and the union. -
Federal Troops Crush Pullman Strike
Railway Union leadership from encouraging striking workers. Rioting in several cities will lead to the deployment of more than 14,000 state and federal troops.