Images 12

Guantanamo Bay

  • 9/11 terrorist attack

    9/11 terrorist attack
    Nearly 3000 people where killed when four planescrashed into various sites across the USA.
  • The USA taking justice

    The USA taking justice
    The USA sent their armys over to afghanistan to talk to the Taliban Goverment
  • The first detainees

    The first detainees
    On the 11th January 2002, 20 detainees were sent to Guantanamo Bay Camp X-Ray
  • First death in Guantanamo

    First death in Guantanamo
    Two Afghans die due to the torture by guards at Guantanamo
  • First detainees to be released in Guantanamo Bay

    First detainees to be released in Guantanamo Bay
    Six detainees became eligible for trial but only two were released
  • Camp 5

    Camp 5
    On the 10 May 2004 the USA opened there fifth camp on the Islands of Cuba
  • Amnesty international

    Amnesty international
    Amnesty calls for Guantanamo to be closed. Many people in the UK tried to close the prison, with out luck.
  • Suicide in the Prison

    Suicide in the Prison
    Three detainees died from suspected suicide
  • Barack Obama claimed to close down the prison

    Barack Obama claimed to close down the prison
    He promised that Guantanamo would be closed within a year.