GSIP Research

  • Period: to

    The Effect of Disinfecting Agents on the Growth of Microbials

  • Forming Groups

    This marks the start of our experiment. In this stage, we formed groups of roughly 3 people, and started to decide what we wanted our research to consist of.
  • Literature Review and Researching our Topic

    In this stage, we reviewed online literature reviews of other experiments similar to ours and analyzed the data they collected and compared all our sources.
  • Risk Assessment and Safety Protocols

    This stage consists of researching what hazards we may need to use during our experiment. This relates to lab equipment, harmful chemicals, or hazardous biologicals.
  • Ordering Supplies and Starting Wetlabs

    Here, we officially made lists of the items that we required in order to proceed with our experiments. We also started to work in the lab with anything that did not need to be ordered.
  • Data Analysis and Finishing our Thesis

    In this stage, we analyzed all the data from our literature reviews to write our thesis and make a baseline for all our testing.
  • End of the Semester

  • Wetlab Start

    Here is where we officially get clearance to start working in the lab and where we begin to cultivate bacteria for our first test.
  • Form Submission

    This is when all of our Z-Fair forms were submitted and approved of.
  • Project Presentation

    Starting from this date, we prepared various ways to represent our data, including a quad chart, PowerPoint presentation, along with a 2-minute video recording of our project as a whole.
  • Wetlab Results

    We got out first set of authentic data from our experiment, we used this data to create a statistical analysis with our future data and our literature review data.
  • Wetlabs in Action

    From here to around mid-March, we plan to continue experimentation and collecting base data. This include how much bacteria grows in different solutions of our disinfectant.
  • Antibacterial Resistance

    From here to the end of experimentation, we will use the bacteria that we have already cultivated and cross reference the bacteria that has been exposed to disinfectants with higher concentrations to try and quantify any bacterial resistance we observe.
  • Finish Collecting Data

    By this point, we expect to have finished or be approaching the end of collecting data. We would then like to use the data we collected and create visualizations of the data along with statistical analysis of all of the data.
  • Finish Creating Designs

    At this time, the end of creating visual designs should be approaching. Meaning that all of our designs and visual aids for our data and experiment should be completed
  • Project Completion

    Here is the end of our project. From this point forward, only finishing touches should be added to our project. Off to regionals we go!