Zenger Trial
The trial of the german John Peter Zenger began on Agust 4th of 1735. This was trial of a man being accused of -
Seven Year War
Seven Years war was basically what we know as the French and Indian War. This was a war between the British and the French. The British ended up with more land because of this war in North America. This was a conflict that was based on power over more land. -
Albany Congress
"In June of 1754, representatives from seven colonies met with 150 Iroquois Chiefs in Albany, New York. The purposes of the Albany Congress were twofold; to try to secure the support and cooperation of the Iroquois in fighting the French, and to form a colonial alliance based on a design by Benjamin Franklin." -
Treaty Of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was what concluded the seven year war or the french and indian war. The following countries signed the Treaty of Paris, Spain, England, and France. The Treaty of Paris had a good outcome for England due to the fact of the terrotories won in the Americas. -
Pontiac’s Rebellion
This was was launched in 1763 by native tribes and the british. The leader of this war was Pontiac. It began in 1763 when the indians offended the General Amherst. It was war that ended in 1766. They rebelled due to the fact that the British had a victory in th French and Indian War. -
Sugar Act
The sugar act was when they placed a tax on Sugar."..The act also listed more foreign goods to be taxed including sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico, and further, regulated the export of lumber and iron" The sugar act afftected the the wealthy. The british were basically trying to stop smuggling trade of sugar and molasses from the french and dutch. -
Stapm Act
During the stamp act they increased revenue for stamped papers for legal and playing cards. The parliment passed this in 1765. It was passed for all colonist. Every piece of paper printed had a tax placed on it. -
Delacatory Act
Because of the stamp act was repealed, it lead to the delcalatory act in 1766. The reson of the Delactory act was due to the fact that parliment wanted to "bind" the colonies together. Parliment had a good amount of control over the colonies and had power to make any choices they wanted to including taxes. -
Repeal of the Stamp Act
In 1766 parliment voted on repealing the stamp act. Because of the stamp act people boycotted british goods and even had attacks that were going on. Then in 1766 they repealed the act , but on the same day the delactory act was passed. -
Boston Massacre
The boston massacre happend in 1770, it was a street fight during the night between a"patriot mob" and a group of british soldiers. Due to the massacre, it left many colonist dead. At the of trial two British soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. This was basically a signl that the revolutionary war. -
Tea Act
In 1773 the tea act was passed by parliment. The good that was involved was Tea. The act was not intended to raise up revenue for the American Colonies. It was to help the East India Company. -
Boston Tea Party
The boston tea party was an event that occured when the American Patriots went and dressed up as mohawk indians and went to board and and basically dumped all the tea that valued up to 10,000 and possibly more and dumped it all into the ocean. This was the reaction that they had becaue of the Tea Act. -
Intolerable Act
The Intolerable Act had many parts to it. The follwoing were a part of the intolerable act, Boston Port Act, Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act. These were the set of laws that were put during this time. -
First Continental Congress
This Congress was held in Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia. In this meeting all colonies had sent a delagate except Georgia. They were gathered to discuss the Intolarable act. They were not there to declare a independence they were there to state colonial rights, Identify the british parliments violation of those rights and make a plan so that the british can restore those rights. Leading them to start boycotting the British goods. -
Lexington and Concord
The lexington and Concord was a "secret" plan that were they were going to send british soldiers to Lexington to capture Colonial leaders. And then to Concord were they would sieze gunpowder. That was the plan that the Britian Generals planned. Lexington was also where the fisrt bullet was shot. -
Second Continental Congress
The second Continental Congress was held in the State House Of Philidelphia. It was right after the Lexington and Concord battle. They established militia as the Continental Army to represent the 13 colonies. Also the George Washington was elected commander of Chief of the Contienental Army. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill happend during the Revlutionary war. It took place on the Charelston Penninsula, between the Americans and British troops. Even though the British had victory it showed that the americans were capable of confronting them. It was a fight over independence that lasted 3 hours or a bit more. -
Olive Branch Petition
This petitin was a sign of peace. It was a letter that Thomas Jefferson had written but then John Dickson went back and edited. Then it was given to the congress and was aproved. It was a reconalation letter to the King In which 48 members of the congress signed it. -
Common Sense
Common sense was published in 1776 by Thomas Paine. It was a very big during this time. It had some sense of the enlightment. He explained that they had limmited governtment but they needed it. It also explained the grivences that they had with it. They some what did not trust the british. -
Virginia Declaration of Rights
This document was drafted in 1776 to say what rights man had, and how they could rebel against the goverenment. This document helped organize other documents like the Decleration of Independence. It was drafted by George Mascon. -
Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration of Indepence is what gave us our freedom that we have today. Many things had to happen before we got there. The Declaration Of Independence declares the freedom that we have today. It was written my Thomas Jefferson in philidelphia giving America the Independence. -
Battle Of Long Island
This was a battle that the British ended up winning and made the Americans leave New York. A battle that was fought in New York in 1776. -
Battle of Saratoga
This was a Battle that had a turing point in the American Revolution. British and Hessian troops surrendered their arms.General John Burgonye surrenders at Saratoga. First battle was in September and the second battle was fought in october. This was a great victory t but not for the british. -
Ratification of Articles of Confederation
Ratification of Articles of Confederation were not completed until 1781. It took them 16 months untill all thirteen colonies were ratified. Maryland was the last colony to sign. -
Valley Forge
This was an area in Pennsylvania that was twenty miles Northwest of Phili were General George Washingtion's Continental troops were quarted. It was the site of the Contiental Army troops. They stayed from December to June 0f 1778. -
Battle of Yorktown
American troops maneged to force the General Corwallis to Yorktown, VA. Since he was trapped between the American troops and the French navy he had no choice but to surrender. So on October 19, 1781 he and his troops surrendered. It did not end the war but was the last battle fought. -
Treaty Of Paris (1783)
The final treaty of Paris was signed in Spetember of 1783. The peace talk begins in July 0f 1782, then the United States signed a preliminary treaty with Britian in November. This Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolutin. -
Land Ordinance of 1785
This was a document that was adopted under the articles of confderation. Because Congress had no power to collect high revenue oby taxing . So, it had to raise money by saling land in unmapped territory west of the origianl statees aquaried. The Ordinance of 1784 was the resolution accroding to thomas Jefferson. -
Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
In 1779 , in Willamsburg they printed what Thopmas Jefferson declared the bill to establish religous freedom. It is one of the most important laws that has been passed/ adopted. They were all acceptd including catholics and jews. It did not pass the assmebly in 1777 until 1786. -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
This was setteled because Congress established a system of Goverenment for the territory North of the Ohio. Slavery was prohbited. It also provided a method that for making goverenment out of that territory. George Washington passed this law. -
George Washington Inauguration
Our former presidents first Inaugural Adress took place in New York. He was elected president by the electoral college. As his Vice President stood Jonh Adams due to the secong highest votes.This was the beging of his four year term and became the first United States president.