Growth Of The Labor Movement

  • First Of Labor Laws

    The FOTLU was the federalation of labor unions created in Pettysburg.
  • First Parade

    First Parade
    In the first labor parade 30,000 labor workers marched in New York.
  • Inda's movement

    Inda's movement
    Indian National Congress is Established. The party will take the helm of India's independence movement
  • Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers
    Samuel Gompers sets up the American Ferderation of Labor a collection of trade unions that will play a major role in labor movement.
  • New President

    New President
    President William McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz, an anarachist, leading vice President Theodore Roosevelt President.
  • Minimum Wage Law

    Massachusetts adopts the mimimum wage law.
  • First Battles of Marne & Ypres

    First Battles of Marne & Ypres
    Western Front, the first battles of the Marne and Ypres establish a line that will more or less hold for the next four years. Exuberance is still high on both sides, but will dissipate as thousands of German, French, and British soldiers sacrifice their lives in battles over a few miles of barbed wire and mud.
  • Adamson Act

    The adamson act establishes an 8 hour work day for employess of interstate railroad.
  • Labor

    Frances Perkins becomes Franklin Rosevelts's Secretary of labor, the first woman in us history to hold a cabient post.