Railway Strike of 1877
A Strike against the Baltimore and Ohio railroad ignites a series of strikes across the Northeast. -
Samuel Gompers
Samuel Gompers sets up the American Federation of Labor, a collection of trade unions that will play a major role in labor movement. -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Congress passes the sherman Anti-Trust act intended to block business monopolies. -
Pullman Strike
Union workers walk out of the factory of the Pullman company in Pullman, Illinois. -
Federal Deptatment of Labor Established
The United States Department of Labor is established as a cabinet- level agency. -
Ludlow Massacre
Violence breaks out in the camp housing, striking miners in Ludlow. -
Clayton Act
President Wilson, signs the Clayton Act, which exempts unions from the Sherman Anti-trust Act. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The Fair Standard Act sets a 40- hour workweek with-and-a-half for additional hours. -
Taft- Harley Act
Congress overrides President Truman's veto of the Taft-Harley bill. -
Kennedy Leagalizes Public Emploee Unions
An order by President Kennedy allows Federal Employees to organize, join unions, and bargain colectively with the government. -
Pension Standards
The Employees Pretirement Income Security Act (ERISA) sets minimum standards for most private-sector pension and health plans.