Growing Up

  • My birthday

    Ii was born at 10:45 am. I was premature and weighed 5lbs.
  • took my 1st steps

    I took my 1st steps/ I was always in a hurry to do everything, right from the beginning.
  • Became a big girl

    I was potty trained by the time I was 1. My mom bought me fancy underware and said I was a big girl now.
  • Became a big sister

    My brother was born and I was no longer an only child.
  • Started school

    I started school.
  • Bike lessons

    My mom and dad taught me to ride a bike without training wheels. I thought I was unstopable.
  • Lost my 1st tooth

    I lost my first tooth, and couldn't wait for a fist from the toothfairy.
  • Broke my nose

    I broke my nose falling off the monkey bars at school. I was so nervous my mom would be mad when they called her.
  • Santa isn't real

    at 9 my cousin broke my heart by telling me santa wasn't real.
  • Started middle school and met my best friend

    I started middle school and was so nervous. I met my bestfriend in our homeroom class,. We sat next to each other. We are still friends today.
  • 1st school dance

    I went to my 1st school dance. I also learned to dance that day.
  • Started highschool

    I started highschool at 14. I ended u going to a different highschool then my friends.
  • 1st job

    I got my 1st job with my friend detailing cars at her uncles business.
  • 1st car

    My aunt and uncle gave me my 1st car. It was a cavalier. I miss that car to this day.
  • Drivers license

    Got my license at 16. I thought I was so cool.
  • prom

    I went to prom in a kelly green dress.
  • Graduated Hghschool

    I walked and got my diploma with my family there. I was so glad to be done.
  • Started college

    I enrolled in college courses.
  • 21st birthday

    Turned 21. Don't remember much.
  • Moved to Texas

    I moved to texas with a friend.
  • Moved home and said goodbye to my grandma

    Moved back to MI. Ended up saying goodbye to my grandma that same year. She died from cancer.
  • Moved in with boyfriend

    Myself and my dog jack moved into a house with my boyfriend.
  • Associates degree

    Hopefully in may I will graduate from schoolcraft with an associates degree in science, after taking my last chem class.
  • Start nursing program at university

    Hopefully I will get accepted to a nursing program of a university of my choice.
  • Wedding

    Marrying my lovely boyfriend that I am with now.
  • Buy a house

    buy our house in a nice neighborhood with good schools. Plan on staying there and paying it off.
  • Become a Nurse

    Get my bachelor's in nursing and hopefully get a job at a hospital.
  • Become a mom

    having my 1st child.
  • 2nd child

    Have my 2nd child close to the 1st so they won't be far apart in age.
  • Travel

    travel around the u.s with the family
  • turning 40

    I'm told this is a major b day. I'm looking forward to my 40's because I'll be established by then.
  • Retire

    retire at 68. I want to retire as early as possible so I can enjoy my life and family.
  • Go to heaven

    Pass on to a better place. I don't want to live to be super old, and I don't want to become dependent on my family or someone else.