Growing Role in World Affairs

  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Proclamation of Neutrality
    The Proclamation of Neutrality was a formal request made by President George Washington, for America to stay neutral in foriegn affairs like the war between France and Britain.
  • The X, Y, Z Affair

    The X, Y, Z Affair
    The X, Y, Z affair was a political circus act between 1797 and 1998 between America and France. During the John Adams term in office. This X, Y, Z affair started the Quasi War.
  • Convention of 1800

    Convention of 1800
    The convention of 1800 was a meeting to make a treaty for the Quasi war that France had been apart of. The treay would settle the hostilities between America and France.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    The Louisiana purchase was the purchace of Louisiana territory owned by the French. America bought this 827,000 square mile piece of land for $11, 250, 000.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    The Embago act of 1807 was an act passed by the American Congress to stop all trade, imports and exports with the United Kingdom and France. This embargo destroyed America's economy.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The War of 1812, was a conflict between the U.S.A and Britain. This war is also called America's second revolutionary war because the war of 1812 proved that America could defend themselves without any interference from other countries.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    A treaty signed by both Britain and America in Ghent, Belgium stating the end of the War of 1812.
  • The Monroe Doctorine

    The Monroe Doctorine
    The Monroe Doctorine, a U.S. forigen policy pertaining to Central, and Latin American countries. This document stated that any colonizing of land in North and South America by European Nations would be taken as a direct threat or war, or agression.