
Grover Cleveland

  • Birth

    This is the day Grover Cleveland was born.
  • Fathers Death

    Fathers Death
    When his father died from a gastric ulcer.
  • Oscar is born

    Oscar is born
    Grovers son Oscar is born.
  • Mothers Death

    Mothers Death
    When his mother died from a disease.
  • Presidency 1

    Presidency 1
    Grover Cleveland's first time holding office.
  • Vice President Dies

    Vice President Dies
    Grover Cleveland's Vice President Thomas Hendricks dies in his sleep at the age of 66.
  • Succession Act

    Succession Act
    The day Grover Cleveland Signed The succession Act. Which was an act stating that if the president and the vice president die that a member of senate will take over.
  • Engagement

    When he said he was engaged to his wife Frances Cleveland.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    Grover Cleveland Accepts the Statue of Liberty from the French.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Cleveland signs the Dawes Act.
  • South and Southwest

    South and Southwest
    Grover Cleveland goes through the south and southwest on a tour to see his country.
  • Lucius Q.C Lamar

    Lucius Q.C Lamar
    Grover Cleveland makes Lamar part of the supreme court.
  • Melville W. Fuller

    Melville W. Fuller
    Grover makes Fuller the chief justice of the supreme court.
  • Department of Labor is made.

    Department of Labor is made.
    it says it in the title.
  • Chinee Exclusion Act

    Chinee Exclusion Act
    Grover Cleveland signs the Chinese Exclusion Act.
  • Cleveland loses

    Cleveland loses
    Grover Cleveland loses the election to Benjamin Harrison.
  • South Dakota Becomes a state.

    South Dakota Becomes a state.
    So did North Dakota, Montana, and Washington become states.
  • Ruth is born

    Ruth is born
    Grover Cleveland's daughter Ruth is born.
  • Presidency 2

    Presidency 2
    Grover Cleveland's second time holding office.
  • The Panic of 1893

    The Panic of 1893
    A railroad company went bankrupt. Then New York the next day sold a bunch of stuff. This day was known as the "industrial Black Friday".
  • Oral Cancer

    Oral Cancer
    Grover Cleveland is diagnosed with oral cancer. In which he had to get surgery ending up as the first president with a rubber jaw.
  • Secret Operation

    Secret Operation
    Cleveland gets part of his mouth removed on a yacht in a "secret operation". To get rid of his cancer.
  • Esther is born

    Esther is born
    Grover Cleveland's daughter Esther is born.
  • The Federal debt is expanded

    The Federal debt is expanded
    Gold reserves are restored.
  • William McKinley is Elected

    William McKinley is Elected
    It says it in the title
  • Treaty of Abiration

    Treaty of Abiration
    Treaty ending Venezuela fighting.
  • Illiteracy ban is vetoed

    Illiteracy ban is vetoed
    A law that says illiterate immigrants can't come to America is vetoed by Cleveland.
  • Richard is born

    Richard is born
    Grover Cleveland's son is born.
  • Francis is Born

    Francis is Born
    Grover Cleveland's Daughter Francis is born.
  • Grover Cleveland's Death

    Grover Cleveland's Death
    The day he died from a Heart attack in Princeton NJ.