The Question
Before start any business, it is very important to identify the market needs. Jeremy Lu was able to identify this need through his experience as a lecturer at Curtin University. The question was "how can we improve the way we brainstorm and problem solve together?". The answer was the creation of GroupMap in partnership with Brad Ward. -
Kick off for development
In order to enhance the development of GropMap, the website was launched and used in some further tests. -
Beta Trial in schools
The classes of Rostrata Primary were one of the first schools to use GroupMap in its beta version. The students used GroupMap to generate whole of class maps learn, share and discuss subjects.
GroupMap Facebook -
Trial in the National Scenario planning day
GroupMap was used in the National Scenario planning day in the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute. GroupMap was very important to organize the discussions about future of Interprofessional Practice.
GroupMap Facebook -
SpaceCubed 2012 Intensify Scholarships
GroupMap receiving the SpaceCubed 2012 Intensify Scholarships had the opportunity to be part of an active co-working space.
GroupMap on SpaceCubed -
NAGCAS Conference
GroupMap was used in the the NAGCAS Conference 2012 to help professionals to engage in discussions and networking. The conference had the theme of connecting to heart in building-in opportunities for networking. This event like the previous was important to test GroupMap in large scale, being responsible to generate feedback for the application.
NAGCAS 2012 -
OzAPP Awards 2013
After not making for the finalist shortlist in WAPP Awards 2011, Jeremy Lu and Brad Ward with the market tested version of GroupMap become finalist in OzAPP Awards 2013. The objective was to test and to receive feedback, in addition, the prize money was an oppotunity to accelerate development efforts.
GroupMap finalist on OzAPP -
PauseFest Digital Festival
The PauseFest Digital Festival was the first public brainstorming where GroupMap was used. The technology was responsible to organize the results of a suvey asking participants different questions, one of them was "What are your favourite inspirational quotes?".
PauseFest 2013 -
Final launch of GroupMap
After tests in different events resulting in considerable improvements for the technology, GroupMap was officially launched for public commercialization.