Group Project

  • Southern Redemption

    Southern Redemption
    On 1877, Most African Americans lost their positions in political offices, when the northerners were pulling troops out of the south. This allowed the south to gradually regain power and eventually African Americans losing their freedom.
  • Carlisle School

    Carlisle School
    Carlise, founded on 1879, a school for Native Americans. The schools' goal was to distinguish the Native American culture and language. They would go to the school to learn english only, dress American, eat American foods, and worships Christianity.
  • Fredrick Jackson Turner

    Fredrick Jackson Turner
    In this period Turner wrote an essay " The Significance of the Frontier in American History ". He expressed the frontier as the divide between "savagery and civilization". He claims that America's accomplishments and history has ended when it was removed in 1890 in the frontier thesis. American expansion occurs and he sees civilization spread across the continent.
  • William McKinley and the Boxer Rebellion

    William McKinley and the Boxer Rebellion
    In June of 1900, president McKinley sent 5,000 US troops to Beijing in an attempt to relieve the diplomats under siege. The political district was under threat for months by Chinese revolutionaries calling themselves "boxers." President McKinley did so without consulting the legislature, thus beginning an unprecedented trend in the presidency that would only repeat itself over the course of the modern era.
  • American Hundred Days Offensive 1918

    American Hundred Days Offensive 1918
    On August 8th, 1918, the American army participated in its first colossal military operation overseas known as the "hundred day offensive." The German army had already been in a weakened state from their own costly offensive in Spring. America still lost many lives in the vicious fighting that ensued. America's forces combined with the veteran and experienced French and British eventually broke the German army and forced an armistice.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    October 29th was the day when investors and financiers pulled their assets from the market. The previous Thursday, the stock market plummeted ten billion dollars which prompted this exodus. A depression would wreak havoc on the nation for the years to come.
  • The New Deal-Recovery from the great depression

    The New Deal-Recovery from the great depression
    Introduced by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, the new deal was enacted to overcome the rise of the great Depression and drew from progressivism to address the economic crisis. Roosevelt was able to accomplish that by introducing series of programs such as the unemployment relief program and helped introduce efforts to expand public utilities.
  • WWII-Japanese attack on the pearl harbor

    WWII-Japanese attack on the pearl harbor
    The Japanese attack on the pearl harbor was an unexpected attack that led the United states get involved into WWII. The idea behind the attack was after the United States cut off its oil exports to Japan in the summer of 1941. Japan relied on the United States for eighty percent of its oil, and without US oil supplies its navy would be unable to function. In attacking Pearl Harbor the Japanese hoped to destroy the US Pacific navy so that the Japanese navy would have free reign in the pacific.
  • The cold war- McCarthyism

    The cold war-  McCarthyism
    McCarthyism was an indication of a massive and widespread of anti-communist hysteria that immerse Cold War America. Joseph McCarthy produced series of investigations to expose communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. government. advances made by soviet union following WWII led to fear of communist infiltration in the United States.
  • 2016 Presidential Election

    2016 Presidential Election
    In November of 2016, the Republican parties candidate Donald Trump was elected as president of the United States. He didn't win the popular vote but got the majority of electoral from the college. He was one of the first in recent times to be elected without prior service in office.