Leadership- Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care act was passed by congress and the President. This act allowed people to take control over their healthcare. It also reduced premium costs by providing billions of dollars in tax relief. This is an example of fiscal. http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/about-the-law/read-the-law/ -
Budget- Reform Bill
President Obama signed a reform bill into action. This bill placed new fees and regulations on banks which imposed new restrictions. This Bill would be fiscal because it was signed into action by the President. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/obama-signs-sweeping-bank-reform-bill-into-law-2010-07-21-12200 -
Trade- The EU-US Trade Deal TTIP
A brave new transatlantic partnership was formed between the EU and US thats goal was to remove as many standards as possible. The environmental and social hazards that resulted from this were said to be a devastating race to the bottom. This is an example of fiscal. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/obama-signs-sweeping-bank-reform-bill-into-law-2010-07-21-12200 -
Trade- Budget Deficit
There was a 3.5 billion dollar budget deficit. This was due to a weaker export performance in December. Goods were down 5 percent in value for the month. This is an example of fiscal.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-03/trade-deficit-fourth-worst-on-record/7136414 -
Savings- Personal Saving Rate
The U.S personal saving rate for July 31 2016 is 5.70% this is the percent of the disposable personal income. This would be Monetary because is is run by the government. http://www.bankrate.com/rates/interest-rates/prime-rate.aspx -
Savings- Prime Interest Rate
Wall street journal prime interest rate this week 3.50% This is important because it is used by banks to set rates on many consumer loan products. This would be Monetary because it is being run by the government. http://www.bankrate.com/rates/interest-rates/wall-street-prime-rate.aspx