Group 6 Economy Project

  • Leadership- Obama Passes New Child Care Bill

    Leadership- Obama Passes New Child Care Bill
    February 2009- Obama passed a child care bill that gave $2 Billion to low-income families with working parents. He promised this in his campaign, and followed through with his word, pleasing lower class families. This is a fiscal policy.
  • Leadership- Obama Invests in "Green Jobs"

    Leadership- Obama Invests in "Green Jobs"
    Obama invested $90 billion, more than any previous administration, in research on smart grids, energy efficiency, electric cars, renewable electricity generation, cleaner coal, and biofuels. The investment boosted U.S. wind and solar generation, by a significant amount. This event is fiscal policy.
  • Budget- Health Care Bill

    Budget- Health Care Bill
    The health care law, often referred to as “obamacare” was signed March 23, 2010. The law
    consists of two parts: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. This event is fiscal policy.
  • Budget- Social Security Trust Fund

    Budget- Social Security Trust Fund
    The Social Security trust fund is running low and is projected to run out in the future. At the end of December 2015, new changes rolled out including discontinuation of claiming strategies, medicare premiums rising for those with a COLA. However, disability benefits were secured. This all took effect in January 2016. This event is fiscal policy.
  • Savings- Personal Savings Rate

    Savings- Personal Savings Rate
    From the end of April until June in 2016 the personal savings rate was unchanged at 5.30%. From 1959 until 2016 the personal savings rate was averaged at 8.33% reaching a high of 17% in May 1975 and a low of 1.9% in July 2005. This is monetary policy.
  • Trade- Widening Trade Gap

    Trade- Widening Trade Gap
    At the end of June of 2016 the United States trade gap was widened to 44.5 billion dollars from May’s 40.96 billion dollars. The estimated June deficit was 43.1billion dollars. The reason for the actual deficit being higher than the estimated deficit was a raise in oil prices that increased our import spending by 1.9% while our exports only went up by 0.3%. This event is a result.