Election of George Washington
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He faced many issues as the first president. He had to tax liquor creating the Whiskey rebellion. He helped prove that the nation would last. He warned about alliances with foreign countries. Served two terms, and had a cabinet. -
Bill of Rights added to th Constitution
The addition of the Bill of Rights was issued during the presidency of George Washington. The Bill of rights gave citizens of the U.S. individual rights. This was important because it added additional rights to the constitution. -
Beginning of Democratic-Republican party
The Democratic-Republican party was started by Thomas Jefferson. They believed in a strong state government and a strict interpretation of the constitution. The Republicans were made up of people who didn't run businesses but mainly farmers or also made up of what people call “The Common Man”. -
Beginning of Federalist party
The federalists wanted a strong national government. They were not very strict about obeying the constitution. Wanted the economy to be based on Merchants and Factories. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Under the presidency of George Washington, there was a tax on liquor. Farmers got mad at this and protested, didn’t pay taxes, and sang american revolution songs. Washington’s response was one of strength. this problem tested the will of the new government and showed that the new gov. would act strongly in a time of crisis. -
Election of John Adams
Adams was elected into office as the second president of the United States. Also when he ran for office he was opposed by Thomas Jefferson. One of the main reason that he was elected is because Hamilton he regarded Jefferson as the greater evil of the two candidates, so when people heard that hamilton was on Adam's side John Adams became the popular vote. -
XYZ affair
During the French revolution France looked for help from the U.S. The U.S remained neutral during this conflict. Since they didn’t help, France started raiding our naval ships. They sent three agents called X, Y, and Z. they sent them to bribe us. This made the U.S angry creating the quote from John Adams. “ Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute!” -
Alien Act
This act was created because the U.S began to worry about subversion. They worried that the more aliens there were the easier it would be to overthrow the government like the French Revolution. It took away the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. -
Sedition act
Republicans protested that the sedition acts violated the first amendment (freedom of speech, and of the press). With the Sedition act in place people would be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or criticize any of its officials. -
Election of thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was running against John Adams in the Election of 1800. Jefferson was a Democratic Republican and believed that the economy should be in the hands of the farm folk. He also didn’t want to get involved in foreign issues. -
John Marshall Appointed
John Adams appointed Marshall to become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He maintained his place as Chief Justice for 34 years. Although 6 years prior to this he denied an appointment to be in the Supreme Court. -
Marbury v. Madison
This was a case during Jefferson's presidency. The night before Jefferson became president, John Adams was stacking the courts with federalists. This was called the midnight judges. So the next day Jefferson told James Madison not to bring the papers granting Marbury as Justice of the peace. Marbury sued Madison. This went to the Supreme Court. Congress thought Marbury was right, but The Courts declared this unconstitutional. Creating the Judicial Review. -
Louisiana Purchase
During Thomas Jefferson's term in office he sent Thomas Pinckney to go to Spain and try to by new orleans so they could have more control over the Mississippi. In the process Spain actually needed money because of the war so they offered the whole Louisiana Territory. The Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the United States. The pucces war not really in the powers of the president to by land but was allowed because of a loose interpretation of the constitution which wasn't -
Lewis and Clark expedidtion
This was a expedition made by Thomas Jefferson to explore all of the new land in the west. This helped to make sure it was safe for people to settle in the west. They were helped by a fifteen year old native american woman named Sacagawea. -
Embargo Act
Jefferson issued an embargo act, a ban on all trade with foreign countries. he had hoped that it would hurt France and britain greatly, but it hurt them the most as well as New England merchants. -
Election of James Madison
James Madison was the 9th president of the United States. During his presidency he had to deal with angry and hostile Native Americans along with the war of 1812. Great Britain was supplying the Native Americans with guns and were telling them to attack the Americans. -
Non-Intercoures act
Jefferson admitted that the embargo act had failed so they replaced it with the non intercoures act. An act that allowed Americans to carry on trade with all nations except Britain and France -
War of 1812
The british attempted to capture New Orleans to sail up the mississippi. They were stopped by Andrew Jackson, only 7 americans died. Afterwards, Jackson became a hero. -
Election of James Monroe
He was a member of the Democratic-Republican party and elected as the 5th president of the United States. the time while he was in office people called it the era of good feelings because he ran for unopposed for office. He issued the Monroe doctrine stating that europe would not interfere in the Western Hemisphere. -
Monroe doctrine
This was a document made by the fifth president James Monroe. It was made because all of the country's in South America were gaining their independence. It stated that any European country to interfere with the Western Hemisphere would have to deal with the U.S.A. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
In this case the supreme court struck down a New York law to control stem boat travel between New York and New Jersey. Since the government were the only ones that were allowed to control trade between states, so the court ruled that they could only regulate trade within its borders. This decision helped the economy of the United States by making it easier for the government regulate trade. -
McCulloh vs. Maryland
the state of Maryland passed a tax on the U.S. bank to decrease the power of the federal bank and increase the state bank. McCulloch refused to pay this tax. This brought up the issue; Does the federal government have the power to create a bank of the U.S.? The Supreme court ruled in favor of McCulloch and the National Government. This was important because the National Bank was strengthened .